Example sentences of "the number of death " in BNC.

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1 Until the numbers of deaths each month has risen to equal or exceed the number of new diagnoses , the numbers needing care will continue to rise fast , even if the number of new cases reported in official figures is relatively constant or falling .
2 The numbers of deaths were compared with those expected from national rates for men of corresponding age and year of birth .
3 All the data published on the effect of gill-nets on small cetaceans probably represents a conservative estimate of the number of deaths .
4 The number of cases is not recorded ; the number of deaths is officially put at 855 , and may have been much higher , since diarrhoea is so common there that it often goes unreported .
5 By comparison , the number of deaths recorded as criminal homicide was 600 , which includes all the murders and manslaughters .
6 EVERY death in asthma patients is to be studied in an attempt to find out why the number of deaths is rising despite the apparently excellent treatments , doctors announced yesterday .
7 Wellcome 's share price rose sharply at the beginning of the year after the announcement that a combination of two of its drugs , Retrovir ( zidovudine or AZT ) and Zovirax ( acyclovir ) , halved the number of deaths amongst Aids patients compared to zidovudine alone .
8 Wellcome 's share price rose earlier this year after the suggestion that a combination of Retrovir and Zovirax halved the number of deaths in Aids patients compared with Retrovir alone ( Chem .
9 The UK government is concerned about the number of deaths caused by careless driving while unfit because of excessive alcohol consumption , and a recent White Paper , The Road User and the Law , recommends among other things , that this offence should carry obligatory disqualification from driving for at least 2 years , an unlimited fine and a maximum penalty of 5 years ' imprisonment ( Lowry , 1989 ) .
10 Even in the short time since the introduction of seat belt legislation in January 1983 in the UK , there has been a demonstrable reduction ( of approximately 25% ) in the number of deaths and serious injuries ( e.g. internal chest injuries and fractured skull ) among front seat car occupants .
11 Essentially , these express the number of deaths occurring as a proportion of the number of people at risk in each region in such a way that they take into account the fact that regions have different age and sex distributions ; their construction will be explained fully in chapter 14 .
12 A NEW TYPE of polyurethane foam developed for mattresses in prisons could cut the number of deaths from fires in homes .
13 Their neurotoxin produces effects similar to those seen in snakebite victims , although the number of deaths from lizard-bites is extremely small .
14 Estimates of the number of deaths among men caused each year by alcohol abuse range from 8,000 to 25,000
15 Since this law was introduced the number of deaths and serious injuries to children as a result of car accidents has been significantly reduced .
16 EVERYONE who has played a part in the remarkable reduction in the number of deaths due to drink-driving deserves to be congratulated .
17 Furthermore , in the processes of socially constructing the cause(s) of death , there are considerable social forces directed towards minimizing the number of deaths certified as occupationally induced .
18 In the 1980s , it is still true that males have higher mortality rates than females at all ages ( except possibly after reaching the age of 100 years : OPCS 1987 : 5 ) ; but the number of deaths in childhood and early adult life is now so small that it is not until individuals reach their late forties , that women actually outnumber men of the same birth cohort .
19 Progress in reducing the number of deaths from paracetamol overdose may come only from preventing rather than treating fulminant hepatic failure .
20 The number of deaths from asthma in England and Wales is widely reported to be about 2000 a year .
21 ‘ Europe against cancer ’ is a campaign aimed at reducing the number of deaths from cancer by 15% by the year 2000 .
22 The number of deaths , casualties and prisoners taken spiralled remorselessly upwards .
23 Gradually the typhus fever left Lowood , but the number of deaths made the public aware of the poor conditions in which the pupils lived .
24 The undetermined category includes those deaths referred to by Bray , thereby giving rise to an underestimate of the number of deaths attributed to suicide , but the total number of deaths is unaffected .
25 Certainly it will be disappointing if the number of deaths due to paracetamol overdosage continues at the current level , but it would be wise to recognise that in 1990 in England and Wales there were a further 1593 deaths due to overdosage of medicines other than paracetamol and that the prevention of such deaths should receive at least equal attention .
26 The number of deaths in people aged over 65 — 22 of the 63 — reduces the potential for saving lost years of life .
27 Women taking atenolol appeared to be at lower risk of lung cancer , but the number of deaths was small and confidence intervals wide .
28 The number of deaths for which this is likely to be true is so small that it ought not to affect the analysis presented here .
29 Editor , — Gary P Bray makes several suggestions to reduce the number of deaths from paracetamol overdose .
30 NEONATAL MORTALITY RATE — measures the chance of death during the first month of life ; it is calculated as the number of deaths under 28 days of age ( or under one month ) during a specified time period per 1,000 live births that occurred in the same period .
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