Example sentences of "the cause [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She confesses her team can only guess at the causes of the bird 's decline .
2 Most students of the 1921–2 Famine have concentrated on foreign aid , the causes of the Famine , statistical evidence on mortality and disease rates , and the extent of crop failures .
3 But first the causes of the Famine should be given in order to put it in perspective .
4 Mitigating the causes of the crisis has to continue , of course , but the dominant issue may turn out to be crisis management within the triple-P of problems caused by poverty , pollution and population .
5 Though economists quarrel about the causes of the 1930s depression as inconclusively as they do about everything else , certain basic features are not in doubt .
6 Given knowledge of the parts and their causes , synthesis will culminate in knowledge of the causes of the whole with which we first began in experience .
7 Almost certainly under Westminster pressure , O'Neill announced the Cameron Commission to investigate the causes of the disturbances .
8 Salvation could only be sought with a leader who possessed personal power and was prepared to take personal responsibility , sweeping away the causes of the misery and the faceless politicians and bureaucrats who prevail over it , and seeming to impose his own personal power upon the force of history itself .
9 Instead , Mendel was concerned , as most geneticists since , with the causes of the differences between fairly similar organisms — between brown and white mice , or , in Mendel 's case , between tall and short peas .
10 He is illuminating both on the causes of the Arab-Israeli divide and on the competition within the Islamic world between two poles of development : the secular democracy adopted by Turkey under Ataturk and the Islamic state introduced by Khomeini in Iran .
11 Some of the causes of the crisis are familiar to other countries ( although it is typical of the little Englander approach of the federalists in Britain that they assume that Britain 's problems are unique to her ) .
12 If the causes of the mental handicap are unknown , there can clearly be no method of establishing the likelihood of recurrence .
13 The causes of the problem of soil erosion lie only in the actual place in which the physical symptoms are felt .
14 One of the causes of the inner-city crisis has , precisely , been the withering of the ‘ Victorian value ’ of civic philanthropy which once encouraged locally-based businesses to link commercial considerations with the welfare of the wider community .
15 Among the causes of the fall of the Roman empire were successive attacks by barbarians .
16 What is more disturbing today is that the Germans have been quicker and more successful to recognise the causes of the decline in their research community than we have in the UK .
17 Little is known about the causes of the problem , though a new study of receptors on blood platelets has suggested a possible mechanism , and could provide a way of predicting those women who will suffer postnatal depression .
18 It would certainly be easier to mitigate the effects of such a drought if long-range forecasting could be made more effective , and although there is as yet no secure basis for the kind of forecasting required , an analysis of the causes of the latest drought offers some hope of explanations that may have predictive value in future .
19 Not surprisingly , the ecologists have found that human influence looms largest among the causes of the bay 's ills .
20 Any enquiry into the causes of the failures of the Christian religion , must disclose that the existence of the two great divisions and of the numerous minor ones , is not the main issue , and not the cause of the failure of the religion to establish itself as wholly acceptable to all mankind .
21 None of the causes of the conflicts has been solved .
22 He analysed the causes of the world recession and urged the profession to re-emphasise its traditional qualities of high ethical standards and integrity .
23 Modern historians warn us not to rely on the old text-book accounts of the causes of the Reformation , pointing out that the reality was far more complex than these suggest .
24 This is particularly relevant to conditions such as arthritis , to which the traditional medical response is to prescribe pain-killers which , whilst relieving pain temporarily , do not pretend to treat the causes of the disease itself .
25 It concludes that the causes of the increase in exclusions are difficult to define .
26 A new clergy , no longer celibate , had to be trained to replace the existing parish clergy , whose ignorance and greed had been one of the causes of the deformation .
27 They have studied an even wider variety of aspects of social life , from such matters as how people avoid bumping into each other in the street to topics as wide-ranging as the causes of the rise of capitalism .
28 Consider , for example , the long-standing dispute among economic historians about the causes of the industrial revolution in England .
29 They agree that to isolate the causes of the revolution one must search for factors which were present in Britain and absent in , say , France or Belgium .
30 It seems indisputable that in a minority of cases , the causes of the disturbing behaviour are located wholly outside the responsibilities of the school and that the school is impotent in what it can offer .
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