Example sentences of "and [was/were] responsible for " in BNC.

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1 During the 41 years of Communist rule , an as yet undisclosed number of secret police agents were involved in continuous surveillance operations against citizens and were responsible for the interrogation and harassment of dissidents .
2 The Witcombe reservoirs ( where the Horsebere originates ) opened around 1860 and were responsible for depleting the water supply to the mill , which eventually led to its downfall .
3 The Marshalls erected dams on their estate and were responsible for creating Tarn Hows .
4 Host organisations of the service ( LEAs , Chambers of Commerce , Local Employer Organisations ) were the recipients of grants based on £5 per teacher for the area and were responsible for the local delivery of the service .
5 I looked coldly into his eyes and said very slowly : ‘ You are the bastard who denounced my father and were responsible for all of us being taken to Tabiano .
6 An Amnesty International report of Oct. 11 claimed that in the previous 18 months members of the armed forces , often working in collusion with drug traffickers and right-wing paramilitary groups , had killed 2,500 people and were responsible for 250 others who had " disappeared " following detention .
7 Among the two patients with T3N1 tumours without endoscopic recurrence , metastases appeared in one and were responsible for death 10 months later but in the second the tumour diminished ( T0N1 ) after chemotherapy and has remained unchanged with successive endoscopic ultrasound examinations .
8 The present monopolistic situation whereby health authorities assessed the need for services , supplied and managed them , and were responsible for monitoring efficiency and quality of care led to provider domination and provided no systematic incentives to perform well .
9 In 1978 , the ‘ public corporations ’ accounted for 20 per cent of GDP , employed 2.1 million people , or 8 per cent of the total working population , and were responsible for 16 per cent of gross domestic fixed capital formation ( GDFCF ) ( Central Statistical Office 1987 ) .
10 From 1967 to 1975 he was the Ford Foundation 's representative in Nairobi , and was responsible for developing an innovative and highly influential programme to support the process of Africanisation .
11 In 1972 the US had by far the biggest fleet , with 98 of the largest class of tuna seiners , and was responsible for almost 90 per cent of the dolphin kill .
12 It employed almost 100,000 staff directly , mainly in our social security offices , and was responsible for the National Health Service — which with almost a million staff was the largest employer in Europe .
13 Throughout this time , however , he was still active in religious publishing , and was responsible for Leslie Weatherhead 's Psychology , Religion and Healing .
14 He was able to ensure that the strong anti-natalist movement penetrated the highest offices of state and was responsible for enormous sums being spent in US foreign aid thereafter ( Simon 1981 ; Warwick 1982 ) .
15 Large-scale mining of copper began in Britain under Queen Elizabeth I , with the establishment of the Society of Mines Royal which had a monopoly in copper trading and was responsible for bringing many German miners to this country .
16 The Group operated quite effectively for several years and was responsible for the production of approximately two-dozen tape-slides concerned with bibliographic instruction .
17 The belief that ‘ god ‘ preceded life and was responsible for it , is deeply rooted in the history of time long past , and will be tenaciously held even in the face of ‘ That kindly light of reason ’ — which orthodox religions teach is a gift from ‘ God the Creator ’ , but the use of which is nevertheless often vigorously denied , especially if such use threatens to throw doubt on the basic creeds already long established .
18 Macey became managing director in 1990 and was responsible for Parfums Christian Dior and sister company Parfums Christian Lacroix UK .
19 This period of geophysical upheaval lasted until the late Carboniferous and early Permian times and was responsible for modifying Earth temperatures in the process .
20 Kukulkan was attended by spirits of earth , water and fire , and was responsible for the sprouting of maize crops and the mating of fish — in short , in his hands he held the key to the tribe 's survival .
21 He built new cities and was responsible for the building of the new Temple in Jerusalem .
22 Mrs Cahuac lived with her mother and was responsible for looking after her .
23 The leader of each group collected the food and was responsible for distributing it among his ‘ team ’ .
24 A consultant radiologist was nominated as the local research coordinator and was responsible for the day to day running of the study and the preliminary public relations work .
25 Bibby joined the council immediately after the child care crisis of the mid-80s and was responsible for various changes essential to the organisation , introducing new child care services and revising structures .
26 Watt gave two-thirds of his patent rights to Boulton and was responsible for all design work .
27 He had a detailed and active knowledge of a wide range of works by other artists and was responsible for the establishment of an outstanding , and now extremely valuable , collection of paintings , drawings , sculpture and other media , which is enjoyed to this day by children in Yorkshire .
28 Woods worked directly under Michael Balcon when he was appointed head of production in 1947 and was responsible for employing Ardizzone , Bawden , Barnett Freedman , Peake , Minton , Piper , Searle and others , to produce posters and other advertising material .
29 Each team had its own place at the coal seam and was responsible for hewing coal with a pick or drill , loading it into tubs for transportation out of the mine and propping up the roof as they advanced .
30 The POR had considerable influence in the powerful Bolivian mine-workers ' union , the FSTMB , and was responsible for drafting its main charter , the Thesis of Pulacayo , in 1946 .
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