Example sentences of "and [det] gives [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd go in and see him and he 's sitting down , so I 'd stay stood up , so I 'm above him and that gives me a psychological advantage straight away , does n't it ?
2 send the photograph and that gives me an idea whether it 's worth going to look at it at all .
3 ‘ Criminals are able to listen in to our car and personal radios with them and that gives them an early warning of our approach . ’
4 And that gives them the right to try and maul me ? ’ she flared , unable to contain her hurt and anger .
5 And that gives them control .
6 These days we can do it much easier and we do it electrically , so we can use a relationship between conductivity which has to be er compensated for temperature and pressure at which you 're doing your readings , and that gives us a measure of our chlorinity and then that gives us a measure back to our salinity .
7 He 'll be a little less adventurous for a while , and that gives us an advantage . ’
8 questionnaire , and that gives us another reading .
9 First of all the local authority 's S S A as you know , has not been as we would have wished it to be , and that gives us less headroom for er , manoeuvring as it were er , with the various committees , and secondly the community care money is now solely distributed through the S S A whereas last year fifty percent of it came relating to usage .
10 ‘ Of course , there 's a way you can work around playing a minor blues in a major tuning — in open G , for instance , you just play the top three strings at the third fret and that gives you a B flat major chord that you can use as a G minor — but it still felt pretty limiting .
11 And that gives you , something called , specific rotation which will be a constant for those conditions indicated and for that substance .
12 And that gives you the right to do dirty , perverted things , does it ? ’
13 Okay , you just multiply the number of men , times the number of hours , and that gives you the man hours .
14 And that means that from then on your life is n't your own , you do n't do what you want to do , you do what you believe God is telling you to do and you try to live by what the bible says and you pray about any important decision you make and then , when God has shown you what the right thing is to do , even when you 're going through very hard times , you know that you 're there because that 's where God wants you to be and that gives you faith to carry on .
15 And that gives you the other minor interval .
16 Think of them in groups of threes and that gives you four dotted ?
17 And that gives you some sort of hold over me ? ’
18 I 've given you an A for participation B plus for written work and that gives you an average of B which is good or excellent .
19 You could do that much , do the three times three times five and that gives you forty five but we 're looking for ninety .
20 And that gives you a very good opportunity if you can think of something different , to actually put this forward .
21 The equation is represented as natural , and that gives it the force of commonsense .
22 John Watson tends to regard himself as Mike 's adopted father , but Mike has inherited the substantial Lester shareholding and this gives him a considerable amount of independence ( which is not always to John Watson 's taste ) .
23 Brachiopods have two valves , and this gives them a superficial resemblance to bivalved molluscs .
24 The actinides are more variable in their oxidation states , and this gives them more varied colors , but again the spectra of compounds derived from a given oxidation state are likely to be very similar .
25 You will notice no definite article before the word ‘ sacraments ’ and this gives me a little liberty to begin my address reasonably broadly .
26 But differentiation has another meaning as well and this gives me hope .
27 I know she will be disappointed , and this gives me satisfaction .
28 Note that there are no half-steps within this set of scale degrees and this gives it a very rounded and open flavour .
29 And this gives you an outline of what we do .
30 ‘ There is a record number of MSF members — 83 — standing as Labour candidates in this election and this gives us an important stake in what is going on . ’
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