Example sentences of "and [prep] [det] extent " in BNC.

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1 63. — ( 1 ) : In every factory in which , in connection with any process carried on , there is given off any dust or fume or other impurity of such a character and to such extent as to be likely to be injurious or offensive to the persons employed , or any substantial quantity of dust of any kind , all practicable measures shall be taken to protect the persons employed against inhalation of the dust or fume or other impurity and to prevent its accumulation in any workroom , and in particular , where the nature of the process makes it practicable , exhaust appliances shall be provided and maintained , as near as possible to the point of origin of the dust or fume or other impurity , so as to prevent its entering the air of any workroom . ’
2 The document itself was not privileged and to that extent the other side was entitled to see part of the materials with the brief .
3 The significance of an offer of compensation is that it may be taken as a token of the defendant 's remorse , and that it redresses the private loss of the victim , and to that extent and no other it plays a part in the sentencing exercise .
4 Of course any early modern monarch 's personality was of fundamental importance , in Scotland or elsewhere , and to that extent seeking to understand Mary 's personality is an entirely legitimate and necessary exercise .
5 In higher organisms the common process of recombination is the sexual one , and to that extent is confined to the DNA of a single species .
6 ‘ It was always my intention to go on playing in club competition with Constitution after finishing my international career and to that extent , I am disappointed by the way things have worked out , ’ Lenihan said .
7 It is true that in Britain the matter is now regulated by statute and to that extent it has been flushed into the open .
8 To the extent , for example , that it exists in local government in the United Kingdom ( and to that extent , it is better described in terms of ‘ caucus ’ rather than ‘ cabinet ’ ) it is a very recent historical phenomenon indeed .
9 The ultimate source for much that has been discussed must certainly be Pearl , with its story of the ( failed ) escape from mortality , its heavily traditional phrasing , and its fantastically complex metrical scheme , of twelve-line cross-rhymed stanzas with alliteration , assonance , syntax-variation and ( even Tolkien did not attempt this ) stanza-linking and refrains.ii However the Pearl tradition did not last till Shakespeare and Milton and the Romantics , who are accordingly and to that extent impoverished .
10 Pointing out that the changes are expected to raise £300 million for Government coffers in 1994 , Jonathan Peat , chief economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland , said : ‘ This must mean extra revenue is expected to be gained from North Sea development — and to that extent it must be bad news for the North Sea . ’
11 The dying planet has a metaphysical relationship to my own mortality and to that extent my inquiry into landscape is inherently ironic .
12 If however , as I have argued , the recognitional capacities of dumb creatures are parasitic upon the human paradigm , and to that extent attenuated , then to talk of concepts is to over-emphasise the similarities to human beings at the expense of the differences .
13 The cat will see a bird and pursue it , to that extent knowing what it wants ; but it will not know why it is doing it , and to that extent what it is doing .
14 He did stress that the company is anxious to make sure that it is a realistically workable solution , and to that extent conformant products would have to be forthcoming .
15 And to that extent , the king himself was deemed expendable .
16 To confuse the issue , however , the VNQDD was apparently conceived ‘ as a vanguard party , an adaptation of the Bolshevik model in Indo-China , and to that extent it reflected the impact of Marxism ’ .
17 We can also point to grammatical parallelisms which , although not devoid of content , merely seem to have an elaborative function , providing further examples of a concept already expressed : " The sweetest rose hath his prickle " already conveys , by proverbial extension , the meaning " even the best things are alloyed with bad " , and to that extent , the repetition of the pattern in " the finest velvet his brack , the fairest flour his bran " , is redundant.Lyly might not , one imagines , have added his last piece of pattern , the similitude of sanctity , unless he had hit on the alliteration of " holiest head " and " wicked way " .
18 It seems then that for much of the 430s war looked imminent , and to that extent Thucydides , who under-reports the earlier stirrings and expansion , should be corrected .
19 Thus he writes , ‘ Basic statements are accepted as the result of a decision or agreement , and to that extent they are conventions ’ , and again ,
20 It appears that the mother would be eligible for financial assistance in returning with the children to Australia , whereas the father and the lady with whom he now lives would have to fund their own travel arrangements to England and to that extent the father would be disadvantaged .
21 If your notes are not carefully made , with attention to the techniques that we propose , your knowledge will be unorganised and to that extent ineffective .
22 The right of shareholders to restrain directors from entering into transactions that fall outside the company 's objects is preserved , however , and the directors remain liable to the company for any loss that may result from entering into such transactions , and to that extent the doctrine of ultra vires survives .
23 I can not review the Rhodesian episode without regret , though it was a fascinating adventure with a disappointing , indeed from some points of view tragic , conclusion ; but it was the forerunner of the later ( Lancaster House ) agreement in 1979 and to that extent had some beneficial consequences , and it was , of course , useful as a background to new negotiations .
24 Whether we have in mind the student teacher , or the art student in the studio , or the student nurse , practical experience necessarily calls for a degree of personal involvement by the student and to that extent it is desirable .
25 A good deal of Forsyth 's work derived from lectures , delivered within the actual context of his day , and to that extent his writings are somewhat dated .
26 Once the courts moved towards applying the collateral fact doctrine , and to that extent redetermining the constituent elements of certain of the conditions of jurisdiction , it became natural also to consider whether the evidence supported the existence of those collateral facts .
27 In any case , the merging of colleges of education with polytechnics and the development of the Dip.HE has led to a range of courses predominantly of general education , and to that extent the vocational orientation of the work of the polytechnics has been somewhat diluted .
28 Those assets certainly would cost money to replace and to that extent their existence means they are worth their replacement cost : without them we would have to incur the replacement cost to retain their services .
29 Regardless of the pit closure programme ta erm we 're in full flight erm at the end of the day we could be looking at a situation with four pits remaining in Nottinghamshire er and to that extent there 'll be up to four thousand miners still reliant on the services of , should er remain open .
30 I am white , I 'm middle class in terms of my background and to that extent have had a certain degree of privilege and I 'm also in some situations , easy enough to attack .
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