Example sentences of "and [pers pn] actually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My co-writer Gerard Brown and I actually got the idea for Juice about ten years ago .
2 And I actually got stopped in the checks .
3 Using the Amiga Five Hundred okay , er stripped it down , I sampled it and I actually made a song , a complete song , and it 's finished okay ?
4 And I actually made some notes .
5 and and I actually succeeded .
6 Yeah , yeah that 's right , but I mean just go and have a look , and I actually said to her well you 'd be better with somebody else , you know , not going in there on your own
7 I took singing lessons , too , and I actually sang in a couple of films , but if you saw the films you 'd see why I 'm not in musicals .
8 We do n't always write on them ; sometimes you find that if somebody tells you to write a poem about windows you end up writing a poem about aeroplanes or whatever , and I actually like being told to do something from the outside because you 'll discover almost immediately whether that 's really something you want to write about or not .
9 I was between jobs , and I actually had enough to tide me over while I had a sabbatical .
10 There were leaders about it in all the newspapers , societies were for the defence of Humpty and Big Ted , and I actually heard two young City whizzkids reminiscing about the Playschool clock on the tube .
11 Then about four days later it was pointed out to me that a real earthquake actually hit Germany last week , and she was n't being poetic at all , and I actually felt cheated of the wave of emotion I had felt towards her .
12 ‘ A midwife went through it all with me and I actually asked her to reassure me that nothing I was doing could harm my own baby , ’ she remembers .
13 Leading on from last week we were looking at menu planning and I actually asked you to bring in some menus .
14 It also has to hinder to recognition of what the needs of the people of the city are and I actually cast out , wipe out services and the needs of central administration which is essential to any council and I would hope that not only my own back this amendment .
15 Erm , I met Mr for the first time in the airport lounge at , erm er , er , Kennedy Airport erm , we discussed at great length and had a very interesting discussion erm , er , Pearsons erm , he accepted er , the job and h I , he has no obligation to me whatsoever and he is one of the er , members of the er , remuneration committee , and I actually take offence at what you 're saying .
16 My colleagues and I actually take no pleasure in agreeing to a rent increase which results in the highest public sector rates among our neighbouring districts er it is some eighteen percent higher than the average of eight local councils .
17 Erm , I 'd like to welcome you to the Industrial Training Board , I spent about four and a half years with training scheme , and I actually originated in er , engineering , so er , I 've got a long track record , perhaps of training and er , an even long track record working , so I wo n't give you too hard a time .
18 Removing the ‘ job weeds ’ from my life has made for a less stressful lifestyle and I actually look forward to every day .
19 ‘ Is n't it also unacceptable that it took the management of British Nuclear Fuels longer than one might expect to make this incident public , especially bearing in mind that Dr Lewis Moonie [ a Labour front-bencher ] and I actually visited this site on Thursday and Friday of last week and were not informed that these excessive discharges had taken place ? ’
20 I mean I , I was quite fascinated having lunch one day with a journ a Melbourne journalist erm and this was about six months after Murdoch had taken over the Melbourne Sun all this and we were chatting away and I actually threw in the stuff which were saying about how papers are there to make profits these days so that 's what drives them and that journalists journalists on newspapers such as Murdoch 's papers , write what they 're supposed to write and she and I got quite out of with one another and and the bottom liner was that she , she absolutely totally and utterly denied what we were saying and I said to her okay if you were given a story to write you know and it was opposite to how you would view it , what would you do and she said oh well I , I would have to write it and the issue with the Murdoch papers and it 's quite interesting because I mean I 'm sure you can with other newspapers but I , I 've just got a bit more is that Murdoch never ever writes a minute or a memo to his editor or staff saying this is what the line is ever .
21 I stood there on my doorstep with him , and I actually considered it .
22 And I actually believe that for your programme because you 've done most of the work , believe it or not , the problem is you have n't written everything down .
23 What I was going to say is I was told erm some time ago that praise does n't mean anything without criticism and I actually believe that .
24 Not a household name , Bertrand Gashow is probably he 's one of our young management boys erm and I actually believe that he , in time , will be a household name , and quite a famous one .
25 Then , after about three months , I had got it all out of my system I suppose , and I actually turned down an invitation to a party in favour of staying in and washing some clothes !
26 She 's looking for a decent second-hand one , and I actually want to buy her a new one , and she does n't know about it .
27 And I actually spoke to Jenny about it
28 I mean , during rehearsal breaks with the Chicago Symphony , several members of the orchestra and I actually have to sneak outside in order to light up .
29 er if it 's people give you things like reference lists and reading lists , I mean sometimes that 's the most confusing thing to be given because you do n't know , I used to think you were supposed to read everything on them er and I actually tried doing that once or twice and I could n't find stuff in Aston library so I ran up the er town library and went to Birmingham University library and then I got back the next week and I realized that I was about the only person who 'd actually done that and other people had n't
30 And I actually found that it was , it was better to actually talk to them than just send them
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