Example sentences of "and [pers pn] 'd have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We walked into this shop in Denmark Street , ’ relates Niall Linehan , ‘ with the intention of buying a spare guitar , and I 'd had my eye on this Gibson Les Paul hanging on the wall there .
2 Both of them are rotten drivers and I 'd had enough painful experiences for one day .
3 I had n't got the change to ring you from the tube , and I 'd had to rush out of the house to get there because I woke up late . ’
4 I often thought if I 'd been married to Finn and I 'd had a gun handy , I 'd 've widowed myself more than once . ’
5 ‘ But Maurin had gone roaring off in a taxi and I 'd had to find the bus stop and so I did n't seriously expect to .
6 It 's actually quite a good book and I 'd had a few qualms about turning it over to Lenny the Lathe , who specializes in converting books more than an inch thick into fireproof combination lock safes .
7 I got the job at and I 'd had e I 'd had experience , I knew that going to was no problem .
8 and I 'd had a and er they , I never saw them on the floor .
9 And I 'd had a car crash and it was quite a relief not to have to worry about performing .
10 I sent her Nit Ac LM1 and did n't hear anything for a year when she rang up with a headache — it turned out that the anal fissure had cleared quickly and she felt she had been miraculously well given her sister had been murdered 12mths previously and she 'd had 4 months leave of absence from work to deal with the aftermath which had involved her nephew joining the family .
11 In the days when it was briefly fashionable to be seen around with black people she had also been known as ‘ Missy ’ , and she 'd had a black lover then .
12 There was another Zionist Congress in Vienna , and she 'd had to pass it up , because she was passing it up quite often herself then .
13 Her first sight of a submarine had brought back the pain of Gerry 's death and she 'd had to tell herself that those in the loch were ours , so they could n't be all that bad .
14 As Mary re-iterated to the police , she 'd had a job to wake her up out of a dead sleep that night , and when she did come to she just could n't take in what had happened : she did n't seem able to speak for ages and she 'd had to help her into her clothes .
15 Getting on to the remains of the top of the pod had been relatively straightforward , although Daak had tried to insist on being the last one out and she 'd had to threaten him with troopers ' oaths and a blaster to convince him that gallantry was inappropriate .
16 And she 'd had an abortion the night before and she 'd died that day on the Monday .
17 She was thirty-six when she cleared out and she 'd had three kids , but she still made younger women look and feel like there was no contest . ’
18 She wor used to work in the kipper industry , and she 'd had smallpox once , knocked her off cos you should have seen her face .
19 Well I , I met him actually through er I was nursing erm a baby , she was only three months old and she 'd had , she 'd caught , from her older sister she 'd caught whooping cough .
20 But Luke 's manner this morning was a series of whiplashes on painful flesh , and she 'd had enough .
21 When he had met Ivy at Crepi 's dinner party her appearance had struck him as so wilfully bizarre that he had written it off as a freak effect , as though all her luggage had been lost and she 'd had to raid the oddments put aside for collection by the missionary brothers .
22 Her face was thinner , not altogether a good thing , and she 'd had her hair coloured too , a sort of pale version of the colour it used to be .
23 Aunt Alicia was old , she kept telling herself , and she 'd had a full life , and she died in her sleep with no pain , but somehow it did not seem to make it much better .
24 And I 've , I er , I , we me we met a girl and she 'd had it done and it was lovely !
25 I did n't know she had this cold and she 'd had it for ten
26 And she 'd had a drink , and a good cry , she 'd had
27 We 've always had cats , always had cats , when we lived at and we moved into and we 'd had this one cat years , it were old cat .
28 and we 'd had it that long and er it 's stopped having any
29 took me a lot of years before I could and I was so pleased when once I was able to say to you I 've Ben had been in the shop and we 'd had a chat had n't we ?
30 one and we 'd had a chat for a long , long time and I said to him afterwards , I was able to understand everything he said !
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