Example sentences of "and [pron] 're trying " in BNC.

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1 Mankind is a dominant species because it 's adaptable , and you 're trying to stop the natural methods of evolution for your own rotten reasons and … ’
2 ‘ Our method was to sit down and say : ‘ Look , Chris , I 'm not sure if this idea is working ’ , rather than Shaun 's approach which was to say : ‘ Allison , you 're the devil and you 're trying to destroy the group ’ , ’ says Gedge .
3 And you 're trying to amalgamate all the unions together to make it easier for them .
4 Now as soon as you 've got a minus X and you 're trying to take it over to one side , and you 're trying to bring the other one over , there 's a good chance that something 's going
5 Now as soon as you 've got a minus X and you 're trying to take it over to one side , and you 're trying to bring the other one over , there 's a good chance that something 's going
6 You wil you 've obviously sort of seen the method somewhere and you 're trying to do it in your head , but cos you 're not going through it in a fairly formal way
7 You 're in a mess , William , and you 're trying to be devious with me .
8 I mean if you , you 're the burglar now and you 're planning to break in a house , and you 're looking around at the different houses and you 're trying to , one of the many things you 're trying to do is to establish whether they 're in or out .
9 Equally erm , and this is a kind of aside , there 's the problem for the newcomer of not knowing how the flats Where , you know where each flat , where each block is , so you get in there and you and you 're trying to find , for example , or wherever , and you have n't got a clue , sort of where to start
10 ‘ You ca n't have any real scruples about our supposed affair or we would n't be working for you , so I can only assume that you 're making this personal attack for the sheer hell of it , because you once got a kick out of disapproving of me — despising me — and you 're trying to recapture the thrill of it all . ’
11 I mean I suppose there is in all social work in a sense , that if you go in to look at a family and , and you 're trying to assess you know whether the children should be taken into care , well you 're exercising a a sort of statutory erm er sort of responsibility , and as far as the clients are concerned , er if you , like that can sort of get in the way of er er a more human sort of relationship if you see what I mean , because
12 You 're trying to shut your eyes to 1993 , that 's what you 're trying to do , and you 're trying to pull the rest of us down with it , well it ai n't gon na happen .
13 And you 're trying to sleep .
14 And you 're trying to get my second part are n't you ?
15 If you imagine the blood 's going round and you 're trying to get you know
16 does n't quite understand it as well as you do and you 're trying to explain it to him .
17 The only time we really react to them is when , perhaps , it 's on our car we do n't them to disturb anybody and you 're trying to fumble about with your keys and switch the thing off .
18 Yeah , sorry , now erm all , all the way through this the , the , you know , is the usual business , you got this policeman , and you got the killer and you 're trying to track , he 's trying to track him down , all sorts of weird people keep getting killed and he 's trying to track him down .
19 And you take out a box of stuff and they 're sorting through the stuff and you 're like , excuse me , and you 're trying to get your tables out
20 And we 're trying to find the Chatwin boy — ’ I began .
21 And we 're trying to remember how much New York needs the inconvenience .
22 The band does n't occupy all our time , but we 're alive and we 're well ; I spoke to David a few weeks ago , and we 're trying to juggle the schedules to go into the studio early next year . ’
23 If you 'd been working with this angle instead , we did n't know that and we 're trying to work with this one or we say we 're interested in this angle so that will be the opposite and this would be the adjacent .
24 And we 're trying to find out the opp so we want something that ties up opp and adjacent .
25 Well we know the opposite and we 're trying to find the adjacent .
26 We think we might be in love and we 're trying out the words to see if they 're appropriate ?
27 I I 's thinking well this long would make the blinking situation worse and we 're trying to resolve it .
28 And we 're trying
29 But when we 're getting near the answer , or when we 've first got the question and we 're trying to think about it .
30 sitting in and we 're trying to split them up cos we do n't want too
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