Example sentences of "of us [be] involved " in BNC.

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1 Be sure , every one of us is involved with this issue , whether we like it or not , and WWF , are aiming at control and responsible administration of the world 's timber supplies by 1995 .
2 Nevertheless , the message of the poem still applies : all of us are involved in the human race — or , as John Donne says , ‘ in mankind ’ ; when disaster affects others , it reaches us as well .
3 One justification for this lengthy examination of policy implementation is that , while we all experience the effects of the implementation process , and many of us participate in various ways in it , very few of us are involved in policy making .
4 He was not told which chick was in which group until we had completed the entire first series of experiments ( this is our normal lab practice — where possible , especially when two of us are involved in the experiment , to run the work ‘ blind ’ until after the data are analysed , to avoid the possibility of unconscious bias ) .
5 Attention will be focused on the event staged to mark the death of the prominent person , and in essence this is little different from any of us being involved in the funeral arrangements for a family member or friend .
6 None of us were allowed to see the unfinished article , which was being built in one of the lecture rooms in our barrack block ; the rest of us were involved in practising for the midnight mass carol concert where our section would be providing the choir .
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