Example sentences of "of the history of " in BNC.

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1 From Germany there is The End of the History of Art ; from Britain a group of essays describe The New Art History ; from the United States has recently come Rethinking Art History : meditations on a coy science ; and from Canada there is a forthright title Art History : its use and abuse .
2 This sort of reading is only for the dedicated follower of the history of taste , though any reader particularly interested in a picture may find within a single catalogue entry an acutely discriminating judgement or interesting facts ; for example , Tietze 's entry also points out that Manet so much admired the Tintoretto self-portrait that he made a copy of it .
3 the reception of Derrida 's work , perhaps more than that of any other recent French thinker , has been marked by an astonishingly casual and unquestioning acceptance of certain extremely condensed — not to say sloganistic — characterisations of the history of Western thought , as if this history could be dismissed through its reduction to a set of perfunctory dualisms .
4 It is true that Pound does not readily conceive of a reader who is not also an aspiring writer — something that led Leavis astray when he tried to retort to How To Read ; but there is no harm , and much profit , in letting the student of the history of poetry suppose that he or she is in due course going to write poems .
5 A comprehensive display of the history of food production .
6 Wellcome Museum Of The History Of Medicine ( permanent ) Reconstruction of the major events in medical history .
7 Summarizing Foucault 's account in volume ii of The History of Sexuality of how in ancient Greece homosexual passivity was regarded with suspicion , even though homosexuality as such was accepted and even glorified , Bersani concludes : ‘ To be penetrated is to abdicate power ’ ( ‘ Is the Rectum a Grave ? , 222 , 211 — 12 , his emphasis ) .
8 In terms of the history of these organizations as institutions Coetzee 's work is unlikely to be surpassed .
9 In fact one of the striking characteristics of the history of Africa 's informals during the last three decades is how few of them have managed to launch genuine large-scale businesses , capable of competing with the foreign-owned or -managed enterprises which are still so critical in many countries .
10 After The Communist Manifesto , the next elaboration of the overall evolutionary scheme of the history of pre-capitalist society comes in preliminary works by Marx , usually known as Grundrisse , written in 1858 , ten years after The Manifesto .
11 Rather , they argued , these concepts , which appeared as eternal , were really the product of the history of the system they maintained .
12 At the time of her arrest , Dai Qing was working on a series of studies entitled Modern Chinese Intellectuals : From Liang Qichao to Fang Lizhi , in order , as she put it , to fill in some of the ‘ memory holes ’ of the history of the Chinese Communist Party .
13 Yuri Korablev , deputy chairman of the Scientific Council on Complex Problems of the History of the Great October Socialist Revolution was one of the first to publish an article recognising that Trotsky was the driving force behind the creation of the Red Army .
14 Clearly one can not hope to give a comprehensive survey of the history of metals and metalworking in a single chapter .
15 The picture of the history of Pontnewydd Cave that emerges from these and other date measurements is now fairly well established .
16 Which seemed to Charles an extremely lame answer in view of the history of the acquaintanceship .
17 This is a pity , since it is an important and powerful method of study as in any field of the history of art .
18 Much of the history of the Middle Ages follows from that fact , as the papacy struggled to separate the concept of the Empire from the property of any one dynasty , and the emperors strove to make of the Church an instrument of state .
19 A version of the history of the Welsh emigration to the Chebut Valley is taught in schools throughout Argentina .
20 The history of science is the history of what men have thought about the physical world and is an essential part of the history of Western culture .
21 There is nothing new in the recognition of the importance of the history of science and technology .
22 Much of the history of evolutionary theory since then , including ‘ intragenomic conflict ’ , has consisted of rediscovering Haldane 's insights and those of his contemporary Sir Ronald Fisher .
23 In a lively and entertaining performance the audience was treated to a graphic description of the history of man 's relationship with chemicals derived from plants .
24 In concluding this section of the history of the study of the flora of the Outer Hebrides , it is particularly worthwhile to comment upon some published works which have a bearing upon plant conservation or habitat management , and whose authors were conservationists .
25 Since even the best attested fact of the history of the past can possess no more than a very high degree of probability and since , by definition , Christian and indeed all religious faith must from the believer 's point of view be absolutely certain and secure , can faith ever be said to depend upon an historical fact , no matter how well established ?
26 Hyett comments in his 1928 Glimpses of the History of Painswick , Brookhouse was the only pin mill left .
27 In 1839 this political credo was given definitive form in the Idées Napoléoniennes , which served not only as a resumé of the history of his uncle but sketched , in some detail , a possible future regime .
28 Bauer argued that nations were not , as Marx argued , temporary historical formations produced by the rise and rule of the bourgeoisie , but of great antiquity , capable of outlasting all economic change , the residue of the history of a people , ‘ the totality of men bound , together through a common destiny in a community of character ’ .
29 He knows a little of the history of this region , having done a prize-winning project on it at school .
30 We also believe that these intimate , naive glimpses of a lost past have a wider interest just because what we know of the history of later life from inside is so meagre .
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