Example sentences of "of the war [art] " in BNC.

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1 This left open the possibility of further Kindertransporte from countries threatened by Germany , but in the first months of the war no one was willing to engage in such defeatist speculation .
2 She sang very seldom during these years — an occasional Butterfly or Violetta and at the end of the war a superb Fiordiligi in Cosi fan tutte — and considered her repertory career to have been brought to an early end .
3 JC : During the first year of the war a somewhat depleted company continued to perform at Sadler 's Wells ( Rosebery Avenue ) .
4 By the end of the war a desperate regime had put him in charge of an anti-aircraft battery in Belgrade ; hence the uniform .
5 Shortly after the end of the war an incident occurred which was of critical importance in the development of Gandhi 's relations with the British — the massacre at Amritsar .
6 Vietnam 's acute poverty , which the boat people are trying to escape from , is a legacy of the war the Vietnamese won against the US .
7 On the first day of the war the prime minister , Yildirim Akbulut , asked the national assembly not only to sanction the use of the bases for American bombing raids but also to allow the Turkish armed forces themselves to go on the offensive .
8 Following the end of the war the king , Vittorio Emanuele III , abdicated and a national referendum abolished the monarchy in favour of a republic , with the new king , Umberto II , going into exile .
9 By the end of the war the factory had produced more shells than any other of its size , and at 25 per cent less cost , while the output of ammunition boxes had more than quadrupled .
10 At the end of the war the Works and its men , and indeed the railways as a whole were in an exhausted state , as was the rest of the country .
11 From the first day of the war the security forces went in fear of the unseen enemy : agents and provocateurs smuggled into the country under the guise of fugitives from Nazi persecution .
12 In the early days of the war the Freedmans lost all their boys aged over sixteen to internment .
13 By the end of the war the Colonial Office was accustomed to thinking synoptically about Africa , to weighing with unaccustomed confidence and delusive clarity the large forces at work there and the ways in which they might be accommodated within a system of administration .
14 Until the final stages of the war the future form of radical and socialist politics in Britain remained obscure .
15 From this point until the end of the war the Communist Party proclaimed its enthusiastic support both for the war effort and for the maintenance of Churchill 's Coalition Government .
16 WITH THE SUDDEN ENDING of the War the aircraft industry was thrown into chaos , but there was a renewed interest in a £10,000 prize offered by the Daily Mail in 1913 to the first pilot to fly across the Atlantic .
17 At the beginning of the war the Security Service categorized the NL as a seditious body whose speakers did not hesitate to advocate methods of violence to achieve their ends , many referring to a coming revolution .
18 As cricket activity wound down during the first two years of the war the Otago CA was finding Crawford to be an expensive acquisition , with only £103 in the Coach 's Fund and £169 being paid out for a six-month period .
19 In spite of the difficulties of the War the contractors , Daniel Eadie and Son , had taken only a little over twenty months to complete the work on schedule .
20 From is opening to the outbreak of the war the " Ring " staged every German Grand Prix .
21 In the aftermath of the war the government of Alexander II ( 1855–1881 ) undertook a series of major reforms .
22 However , during and at the end of the war the government made many promises for a better future .
23 At the end of the war the coalition broke up .
24 At the end of the war the Buckinghams decided that something had to be done ; not Mrs Buckingham , who was still repining , but Harriet 's vast web of paternal relations .
25 Before World War II the Soviet authorities had diplomatic relations with only twenty-six foreign states , but by the end of the war the number had doubled to fifty-two and by the late 1980s the Soviet Union had diplomatic relations with over 140 foreign governments .
26 The immediate trigger was that during the last period of the war the Ministry of Reconstruction 's Housing Advisory Panel , chaired by Lord Salisbury , was successful in establishing the parameters of post-war policy .
27 By the end of the war the British public seemed ready to accept the notion of planning as a State activity , and warmed to the particular promise of town planning .
28 Towards the end of the war the expectations of reform reached new peaks ; the increasing prospect of peace focused the mind .
29 The British sent troops to defend the Abadan refinery and made a secret deal with the Russians whereby at the end of the war the Russians would have control of Istanbul and the Dardanelles , and Iran would be divided between them , the Russians in the North , the British in the South , and the British influential in the " neutral " zone , where the oil was to be founded .
30 In the aftermath of the war the government was said to be concerned over Turkey 's increasingly prominent international role .
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