Example sentences of "of christ [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 A nineteenth-century drunkard sobbing at the penitents ' bench found no less an ‘ answer ’ in the cross of Christ than the twentieth-century philosopher with his carefully articulated questions .
2 The place of Christ as the agent of intercession is not eroded .
3 The Enger Reliquary showing the figures of Christ and the Virgin accompanied by angels and apostles .
4 Joachim claimed that there are , however , three distinct ages or states : that of God and the Old Testament , which was the age of fear and servitude ; that of Christ and the New Testament , which is the age of faith and submission ; and the Third Age of the Everlasting Gospel , or Age of the Holy Spirit , that will supersede the Old and New Testaments and be the age of love , joy , and freedom .
5 Spiritual direction makes opportunity for self-examination ‘ in order to uncover the sins , failures and inconsistencies which contradict the following of Christ and the love of God and neighbour . ’
6 United Reform Church History Society ( London ) The main sections of the archive house the papers of the Presbyterian Historical Society , the Congregational Churches of Christ and the United Reform Church .
7 Set back from these two , on the middle bay of the original W front , is the soaring W wall topped with a machicolation and entered by the fine late Romanesque and early Gothic doorway with its 13th century tympanum of Christ and the Four Beasts , its unusually long foliaged lintel with four Latin rhyming couplets and a lucid signature by Bernardus DE III VIIS ( de Tréviers ) dated 1178 , and the powerful bas-reliefs of SS Paul and Peter , with sword and keys , all carved in various marbles from antique sources .
8 The preaching of Christ and the need for men and women to be born from above , I assume .
9 The terms Logos ( Word ) , Lord , Kingdom , Adoption were meaningful to pagan ears , so the person of Christ and the nature of his mission is expressed in those concepts .
10 For the Christian , therefore , history is not an unknown adventure , but a process which will end with the reign of Christ and the establishment of a just society .
11 Impetuously he wrote a declaration , which was widely circulated , denying the rumour and asserting that he was ready to prove that the Prayer Book of Edward VI conformed to the commandments of Christ and the practice of the Apostles , whereas the Mass was contrary to that practice and was the work of Satan .
12 Her many ‘ seeings ’ of Christ and the Holy Family may have been delusions which she actually lived through , as Ruskin lived through his conflicts with the Devil , or they may have been deliberately induced auto-hypnosis deriving from the Revelations of St Bridget , to whom Margery had a special devotion .
13 It expresses the intuition that sexual differences , made for the loving communion of persons , mirror God and image the relationship of Christ and the Church .
14 He insisted that a genuine religion , if such there be , must rest on a supernatural revelation coming from beyond history ; and he denounced the ‘ historicising ’ of Christianity , by which the original message of Christ and the apostles , a message which spoke of the wholly supernatural kingdom of God , had been betrayed by the transformation of Christianity itself into a social , cultural , and political movement within history — a movement which the advanced theologians and Christian apologists of the nineteenth century had then , with complete consistency , attempted to interpret and justify in purely historical and psychological terms .
15 During the later years of Henry 's reign , a number of radical Protestants , such as John Bale , took such comments to their logical conclusion by arguing in a series of historical and theological works that the pope and the Roman church should be seen as the Antichrist — the powerful antithesis of Christ and the fount of all evil whose downfall was a necessary forerunner of the second coming of Christ .
16 Wilberforce attacked Unitarians as lacking fixed religious dogmas and was attacked in turn , along with other evangelicals , for promoting irrationality in religion precisely through dogmatism about the divinity of Christ and the Trinity while also stressing the reality of the Devil and Hell .
17 For a woman to represent the Headship of Christ and the Divine Initiative would , unless her feminine gifts were obscured or minimized , evoke a different approach to God from those who worship … .
18 Our general synod has been reminded of two thorough reports produced by the Church of Scotland on the subject of baptism in I think nineteen fifty five and nineteen sixty two with their clear emphasis are that the person of Christ and the work of Christ are central to the understanding of baptism .
19 This is especially evident in the huge production of prints of Christ and the saints , and in the extensive printing of bibles , psalters and indulgences .
20 He had no human teacher , but he had the Spirit of Christ and the Scriptures , and through them he grew in knowledge and in spiritual stature .
21 In focusing so sharply on the literal meaning Andrew largely avoided the central issue for a Christian analyst of the Old Testament : in what ways was its interpretation affected by the life of Christ and the establishment of the Christian Church ?
22 In the carnage and suffering of the trenches his strongly sacramental Christianity was communicated in memorable addresses and in colloquial verse of sometimes powerful simplicity , which brought together the passion of Christ and the doubt , fear , and courage of soldiers caught in the squalid stalemate of the Flanders trenches .
23 Just as Adam stands between the forces of good and evil , so do we stand between the heroic action and qualities of Christ and the fallen Angel of Light , and just as man did in the beginning , we too , as humans , fall prey to the tempter at each individual reading of the epic .
24 The mosaics which cover the nave walls are of two periods ; the upper pictures date from Theodoric 's time and represent scenes from the Life of Christ and the figures of apostles and saints .
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