Example sentences of "of light from [art] " in BNC.

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1 A hurricane lamp and a pinpoint of light from a torch were all the girls had to guide them across the sleepers and rails .
2 A paraboloid can be used therefore as a mirror in telescopes to focus a maximum of light from a distant star or galaxy at a viewing point that can be some ten metres or more above the mirror .
3 Rays of light from a viewed object pass from the object to the lens via the intervening medium .
4 His method shows how one can explain many physical phenomena , including the speed of sound in air and the colour of light from a glowing furnace .
5 There were still more books and box-files and stacks of paper piled high on the tables that filled the room , leaving one narrow alleyway leading to the desk where , in a small pool of light from a green-shaded table-lamp , Mr Hardiman sat enthroned .
6 This is analogous to the optical case of light from a source immersed in a liquid beamed at the surface and is thus capable of giving rise to similar critical " internal reflection " conditions .
7 Maeve sat crouched over a table using a pool of light from a huge candelabra to stab furiously with her needle at a piece of embroidery she had been working on for years .
8 Luminescence is the emission of light from a solid which is ‘ excited ’ by some form of energy .
9 During rotation the cell passes through a collimated beam of light from a high pressure mercury lamp and the emergent beam then travels through the optical system to be recorded photographically .
10 For a frozen second she was back in reality , just a second , before the core of power erupted within her , spraying up molten gobbets of light from every pore of her body , from the base of her spine to the centre of her mind .
11 ‘ Plunged into semi-darkness , I perceived , lit by a slim ray of light from an invisible sun … the compact disc player … sublime in its performance , it stood before us , seekers after perfection gathered together in a common quest for the absolute ’ .
12 The mass of that galaxy bends the rays of light from the quasar as relativity says it must , to produce these mirages .
13 Some faint glow of light from the direction of the town below caught the angle of a new padlock , the gate being chained as well as shut .
14 All at once there was a shaft of light from the doorway .
15 Broke syllables of light from the moorstone ’ .
16 Two golden shafts of light from the yard lamp crossed their bodies and he could see that they were lying on a mixture of old sacks and loose hay .
17 ASTRONOMERS in Australia have detected flashes of light from the fastest-rotating star , the ‘ millisecond pulsar ’ discovered by radio astronomers last November ( New Scientist , vol 96 , p 362 ) .
18 Within a few paces the loom of the Tower was lost and the glint of light from the arrow-slit disappeared behind the curtains of rain .
19 He was half-Arab , with a pale olive skin that now gleamed golden in the thin ribbons of light from the half-closed shutters .
20 And then , on the verge of sleep , she was crashing with him through the bushes of that dreadful wood , feeling the briars scratching her legs , the low twigs whipping against her cheeks , staring with him as the pool of light from the torch shone down on that grotesque and mutilated face .
21 It is from a fissure in the anthill that the rays of light from the jewels in the Cobras ' heads shine forth , and coming in contact with the rainclouds , which represent the ‘ pure water of wisdom ’ , they form the rainbow .
22 Immediately , the feel of the scene changes : the pool of light from the extra lamp creates its own little centre of colour and interest , and the flatness of the top lighting is relieved .
23 Darkness outside the hut , and beyond that darkness the ring of light from the arc lamps over the fence and the wire .
24 Just before each Geiger counter click we see a flash of light from the illuminated electron .
25 To the left a group of barren islets , suggesting ruins of stone walls , towers and block houses , had its foundations set in a blue sea that itself looked solid , so still and stable did it lie below my feet ; even the track of light from the westering sun shone smoothly , without that animated glitter which tells of an imperceptible ripple ( 2 ) .
26 The premises from which the prediction is derived will include the interconnected statements that constitute the theory under test , initial conditions such as previous positions of the planet and sun , auxiliary assumptions such as those enabling corrections to be made for refraction of light from the planet in the earth 's atmosphere , and so on .
27 There was a wide diversity of theories about the nature of light from the time of the ancients up to Newton .
28 The rays of light from the furthest stars
29 8 If a beam of light from the lighthouse , shown on page 1 , turns through one revolution every 30 seconds , how many revolutions will it make in 4 minutes ?
30 She walked shakily to the bar through the coral and saffron reflections of light from the sign outside .
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