Example sentences of "of knowledge [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Turnips and clover , for example , may not have been really widely used until the nineteenth century , and the diffusion of knowledge across the countryside may not have exceeded a mile a year from the points of origin ( Deane 1979 ) .
2 It therefore provides a good time to reflect on the experience so far in trying to encourage the transfer and synthesis of knowledge across the two fields and to look to the future in the light of that experience .
3 Television series such as ‘ Colditz ’ and ‘ Planet of the Apes ’ , serve as a ready source of knowledge for the conventions of their games and in them we see the deployment of a rhetoric from which the pupils ' associated theory of schooling can be inferred .
4 If you put that depth of knowledge with the normal Wedding Present , you can see the talent , musicianship and understanding of what it is they are doing , ’ he says .
5 The ruwang chants to fill her beads of knowledge with the knowledge of fertility .
6 Whether it is a matter of a lack of knowledge on the part of indigenous cultivators and pastoralists that leads to excessive and untimely tillage , the use of improper implements , the destruction of crop residues by burning and so on , is a moot point .
7 In time , you will begin to build up quite a body of knowledge on the ley system in your area , and may start to host trips for your local Earth Mysteries group .
8 However , despite the lack of knowledge on the subject , and the prejudices engendered against it , a small but steady stream of doctors is willing to investigate it .
9 In contrast , there is still a considerable dearth of knowledge on the post-therapeutic course of gastric ulcer disease .
10 The second response , that the difference consists solely and simply in a mode of knowledge of the external world , without invoking any internal and introspectible ‘ feel ’ , requires one to explain perceptual experiences with different modes of access without reference to a subjective component .
11 Will local partners help to overcome the company 's lack of knowledge of the market ?
12 ‘ We would probably have been fleeced by some estate agents who would have smelled our lack of knowledge of the market a mile off .
13 A lack of knowledge of the mechanics of the council may prejudice the success of a good proposal .
14 Some of his biology is not too sound ; his statement that the gulls of the northern hemisphere may be exceptional — ‘ In the majority of species such gradual variation is not seen , and all the members are equally interfertile ’ — seems based on a plentiful lack of knowledge of the work that has been done on geographical variation in many groups of animals , including birds .
15 What follows from this is alienation from our fellow men because of our lack of knowledge of the nature of the true Self in others .
16 Sir John Phear , who was Chief Justice for a short time in the late 1870s , felt that many magistrates ‘ manifest as a rule want of knowledge of the practice of the Courts , of the business of their office , and of the law which they have to conform and carry out . ’
17 We believe this arises out of a lack of knowledge of the nature of BSL , together with the factors described as social and psychological distance which , when producing significant effects , predict the creation of some pidgin form .
18 Any claim that , because there are competing interpretations , either is equally valid in the absence of knowledge of the programmer 's intentions in the matter , is impossible to maintain in the face of the long rolls of encashable instruments pouring out of its printer .
19 In the light of this current state of knowledge of the various factors associated with abuse , how far is it , in fact , possible to predict abuse ?
20 Thus the task required the children to infer the intention , on the basis of knowledge of the result and of the action-result relation , while at the same time maintaining the distinction between the intention and the result .
21 There was no general consistency in response to this group of questions , which may have indicated that subjects responding correctly did so out of knowledge of the scientific findings .
22 In summary , the performance of pupils in the sample on measurement questions was affected by three principal factors : ( i ) difficulties with decimals ; ( ii ) lack of knowledge of the relationships between units of the same measure ; ( iii ) lack of general knowledge about the value of a measure for everyday objects .
23 No amount of procedural fairness could compensate for lack of knowledge of the complexities of the law .
24 Given this incapacity Spain could never hope to maintain diplomatic independence against France or to resist French demands for war against Great Britain , in spite of knowledge of the disastrous consequences of such a war to the Spanish colonial empire and its trade .
25 There was general lack of knowledge of the housing needs of disabled people .
26 But the advent of the Nationalists , though hard to analyse , did suggest that there were votes to be won or lost , at least in Scotland and Wales , on the public 's sense of remoteness from decision-taking or its lack of knowledge of the existing degree of devolution to the Scottish and Welsh Offices and on the general confusion as to which body was responsible for what .
27 ‘ Whatever the precise degree of knowledge of the defendants at any particular time , faced with a laden ship which , as they well knew , was about to leave port , the defendants must in my judgment be deemed to have known of the almost certain existence of contracts of carriage to which the shipowners were parties .
28 Father 's occupation was assigned to one of eight groups on the basis of knowledge of the industries in the area and of previous reports of association between parental occupation and childhood cancer .
29 The approach also shows a lack of knowledge of the reasons why general practitioners refer patients to dermatologists .
30 It can be argued that tendering will give the best result from the vendor 's point of view , as each purchaser is likely to submit his best offer and therefore in the absence of knowledge of the level of other tenders , may pay a figure far in excess of the nearest competitor .
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