Example sentences of "of a [noun sg] above " in BNC.

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1 American scientist working for the Astrophysics Institute at the University of Colorado in Boulder have created the lowest temperature ever recorded — one millionth of a degree above absolute zero .
2 We 're at one millionth of a degree above absolute zero .
3 For a black hole with a mass of the sun , the temperature is only about a ten-millionth of a degree above absolute zero .
4 A black hole with a mass a few times that of the sun would have a temperature of only one ten millionth of a degree above absolute zero .
5 What , just a fraction of a degree above absolute zero ?
6 A light shone through a chink in the curtains of a window above the garage door .
7 ‘ Why did I have to fall for a suicidal maniac ? ’ she asked herself , and cleaned the flat from top to bottom to take her mind off the image of Jack dangling on the end of a rope above a muddy slit somewhere in subterranean Yorkshire !
8 The next thing I remember was seeing the face of a policeman above his yellow emergency jacket , who was reassuring me : I was all right .
9 In the region of the trades — the south-easterlies ( between the equator and Capricorn ) and the north-easterlies ( to the north of the equator , up to the Tropic of Cancer ) — one can count on endless days and weeks of steady , 13-knot winds , a delightful lack of high humidity and temperature , and skies that are either cloudless or decorated with small white patches of flat-bottomed cumulus cloud , always poised a third of a mile above the sea .
10 It was called the Wyrmberg and it rose almost one half of a mile above the green valley ; a mountain huge , grey and upside down .
11 Others pull on ‘ slopers ’ above the shelf , combined with delicate use of a toe-crease above the foot-level break .
12 The Emblem of the Holy Trinity ( lo/ 320 ) belonged to the Guild of the Stonecutters and there used to be a statue of a stonecutter above the door .
13 and the height of a lark above it
14 Crawford 's character , Harry England , had to be seen driving a forty-year-old Rolls-Royce convertible into the ten-feet-deep swimming pool of a château above Cannes after getting drunk .
15 He was out of Birmingham ; not only that , he got himself space on the floor of a flat above the Two ‘ I 's coffee bar in Old Compton Street .
16 After a few moments , the receipt and change , if any , came speeding back , arriving with a clang and the ring of a bell above the counter .
17 This situation may well be aggravated by the construction of an airstrip above the Sherpa village of Namche Bazar and the renovation of a Japanese-run hotel .
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