Example sentences of "of view [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , regardless of views about the benefits of legislation ( and this remains , as we shall see , a matter of some controversy ) , the evidence in the 1980s was that simply leaving action to employers had left older workers in an exposed and vulnerable situation .
2 While it would be misleading to present the members of the Annales school as a wholly homogeneous group committed to a single methodology , they nevertheless hold in common a number of views about the study of the past .
3 In spring 1991 a research project was used to further the debate in a broader context of views about the whole decision-making process within the school .
4 This search must necessarily take place against a broader background of views about the relationship between linguistic factors and educational development .
5 The weekend incident led to angry scenes and a furious exchange of views at the end of the match between Dooley and Stoke assistant coach , Tony Brindley .
6 It is impossible to have a proper exchange of views of the kind which is essential for the true functioning of a parliamentary democracy if everybody is wearing headphones .
7 Daylight was in fact one of the conditions laid down by the curators Vincent Pomarede , Marie-Catherine Sahut and Sylvain Laveissiere in the brief for the new galleries , together with the integration of views of the Seine and of the Louvre .
8 He brought back 360 glass negatives of views of the battlefield and portraits of soldiers .
9 But they argued on the basis of British press reports that despite the considerable identity of views of the participants to the talks ‘ the Romanian leaders do not wish to be involved in any Western plan for the establishment of a ‘ neutral ’ Afghanistan ’ .
10 Charles Henstock , whose belief in an after-life was absolute , had never been able to persuade his old friend to share his convictions , and he had once told Donald , after an amicable exchange of views on the subject , that he considered the doctor to be the finest unbeliever he had been privileged to meet .
11 Williamson , through his mainly autobiographical work , was to provide a panorama of views on the impact of the war on ordinary working people and the lower middle classes , and through the hero of The Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight , Phillip Maddison , was to show how the experience could lead to support for fascism ; Mosley was to appear as Sir Hereward Birkin and the BUF as the Imperial Socialist party in the later volumes of the epic .
12 They met separately from the authority and shared a common ‘ soft Left ’ platform of views on the future of the NHS .
13 The first of these summit meetings took place at Geneva in November 1985 ; it provided an opportunity for an exchange of views on the progress made at the arms talks and on regional issues .
14 The Victorian asylum movement was successful largely because of a unanimity of views on the subject by most men of influence .
15 exchange of views on the current state of the field
16 The consultations have reflected a wide range of views on the proposal in the Green Paper relating to the legal status of collective agreements .
17 According to the Soviet news agency Tass the two discuss " the problem of promoting mutual exchanges of views on the Palestinian issue " .
18 The impetus towards rapprochement had been accelerated by a visit to Vietnam on Oct. 1-2 by President Bush 's personal envoy , Gen. John Vessey , for a general exchange of views on the question of the US MIAs .
19 The culmination of these claims to national identity and of sentiments of this nature came in the preamble to Henry VIII 's Act in Restraint of Appeals of 1533 : ‘ Where by dyvers sundrie old autentike histories and cronicles it is manifestly declared and expressed that this Realme of England is an Impire , and so hath been accepted in the world … . ’ ( 36 , iii , 427 ) Here one finds an explicit statement of views on the nature of England , as well as practical conclusions drawn from them concerning the government of the Church .
20 A wide range of views on the question also emerged in the responses from private practitioners , from those ( including some sole practitioners ) who felt reports should be required every three months , to those who questioned the general value of the accountant 's report on the grounds that it only provided a snap shot of a solicitor 's accounts at one particular moment , and was therefore of little value in detecting fraud .
21 It is only over the question of Faculty examinations and the associated ‘ grandfathering ’ provisions that there is a material divergence of views between the two bodies .
22 Contrary to expectations , there appears to be a broad convergence of views between the two men , even on such tricky issues as Bosnia , NATO , the EC and the GATT trade talks .
23 The objectives of these committees are to facilitate an exchange of views between the police and the wider community on issues of local concern ; to help resolve conflict between the police and dissenting sections of the community ; to encourage self-help and crime prevention activities ; and to educate or inform the public regarding everyday police matters ( Morgan , 1989 ) .
24 An open exchange of views between the marketing director of Forward Publishing and the chairman of the BAIE Editing for Industry committee , Alan Peaford
25 Taking a series of views across the whole situation , referred to as the hill tops approach by Mcloughlin and Brown , recognises that the wider system could be instrumental in :
26 Well actually I feel a lot happier if you say that , because can I actually one of the first questions you asked , which I never got a chance to answer , though Terry did , was which what sort of criteria one would use to say that a Prime Minister 's good and erm I was sort of thinking of that as Terry was answering and I think the thing I came up with is you want somebody who represents , or is sensitive to at least , a very wide swathe of views across the population , but also someone who 's intelligent and caring enough to take into account the minority views , and you want somebody who 's aim is to make most of the people happy most of the time , sort of thing , erm but who 's also prepared to take unpopular steps erm if he believes it 's necessary .
27 Forthright debate flourished and the 85 seminar members were treated to a variety of views from the speakers and from their fellow members .
28 We can characterize this polarization of views in the following way : flexible accounting is concerned with accounting in accordance with the facts ; uniform accounting is concerned with accounting in accordance with the rules .
29 In an exchange of views in the weekly popular magazine Ogonek in November and December Kharchev accused officials from the CPSU and the State Security Committee ( Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti--KGB ) and Orthodox Church leaders of punishing him for his liberal stance on Soviet religious observance , and particularly on the status of the Uniate Church [ see below ] .
30 There continue to be a considerable range of views among the 12 member countries on specific issues likely to be discussed at the summit , however , such as the feasibility of carbon taxes or the level of development aid .
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