Example sentences of "of view [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To enable investigation of a plurality of views the modelling framework will be one which is designed to answer counterfactual or ‘ as if ’ questions rather than one which attempts to predict what the position of the economy will be in a number of years .
2 From the finance company 's point of view a contract of guarantee is the less satisfactory , for two reasons .
3 From an environmental point of view a bolt ( galvanised or stainless steel ) causes less impact than a peg .
4 There was no water , electricity or other services , the shed and yard were full or rubble and , worst of all , from a railway point of view no track remained on site .
5 Now you will see from your point of view the moon will be will be about half it will be it will be more more than that I would think .
6 That did n't mean that it was a task to be delayed — from every point of view the identification of a dead person was of urgent importance .
7 From an animal welfare point of view the chasing of a fox or a deer round the countryside with dogs and followed by men either on foot or mounted on horses is a cruel practice which can not be justified .
8 From the trader 's point of view the position is straightforward .
9 Whereas from Britain 's point of view the London exchanges decided nothing , from the tsar 's point of view they cleared the decks for international action .
10 From this point of view the state is not seen as a threat to freedom , but is rather regarded as a vehicle for securing broad community and individual rights against the power .
11 Hunting may well have been seen as a pleasurable distraction , but from a practical point of view the bow and arrow is more useful .
12 From a practical point of view the cost of administration can often make interest charging and collecting more of a minus than a plus .
13 The Gestapo was just about running the Communist party by 1944 , but to do that they 'd have to let some small fry run free , and from their point of view the Eismarks would be very small indeed .
14 From my present point of view the question of whether the manufacturers on opposite sides of a human arms race are enemies of each other or identical with each other is irrelevant , and interestingly so .
15 It was a fascinating experience but from the climbing point of view the ratios were n't terribly good .
16 In response to Labour questioning , Mr MacGregor said : ‘ Without any question I am keen to ensure that both from the passenger and freight point of view the north of England and Scotland gain as much benefit as possible from the Channel Tunnel and the Channel Tunnel high-speed link . ’
17 I do n't think , I do n't think it will , I think erm certainly from a cultural point of view the questions that comes up of erm in that type of society they think sod this I 'm going hunting , but the fact of the matter is the men .
18 From the client 's point of view the assessment provides an opportunity to express their difficulties in a structured manner , and make links between specific problems and various areas of their life , both past and present .
19 Eliot seems to have ignored these suggestions because for him the physical and social landscape of London was no more than a screen on which to project a phantasmagoria that expressed his own personal disorders and desperations ( partly sexual , as one might expect , and as the drafts make clear ) ; whereas Pound seems to have supposed that the subject of the poem was London in all its historical and geographical actuality , much as the city of Dublin was from one point of view the subject of Joyce 's Ulysses .
20 But from the pope 's point of view the boundaries of his influence had been extended by the coronation of Johannitsa and the influence of the patriarch of Constantinople and the Greek Church decreased .
21 From a Weberian point of view the professions can be seen as occupational groups which have succeeded in controlling and manipulating the labour market in such a way that they can maximize their rewards .
22 I think from the video 's point of view the S I hardly ever use it anymore
23 From Waddo 's point of view the king 's death was a disaster ; too far from court to be involved in safeguarding Chilperic 's heir , which was arranged by Fredegund , he was liable to be excluded from the ruling group in the early years of Chlothar II .
24 From the AIB point of view the exercise meant devoting the time and effort of a number of experienced personnel to activities that served no benefit to the Branch .
25 From this point of view the struggle to remove barriers could be regarded as the seed bed for human arts .
26 From a social policy point of view the issue is not whether to allow pollution , but how much pollution to allow ( see Ackerman et al. , 1974 ) .
27 From this point of view the formation of a distinctive and vibrant disability culture is a vital component in the construction of an accessible route to empowerment .
28 Times are hard , and from the employees ' point of view the possibility of something is better than the certainty of nothing .
29 From a socialist point of view the government was barren , yet incomes policy and fiscal restraint were beginning to produce their intended effects and the expansion of world trade was benefiting the economy .
30 From a practical point of view the need is for :
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