Example sentences of "the [adj] eye of " in BNC.

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1 To the prejudiced eyes of land-bound humans the oceans seem like one continuous mass , homogeneous as outer space .
2 His eyes are like the over-tired eyes of an engraver
3 Shadows drifted past him like fronds , dappled with refracted sunlight , tied with thin streams of bubbles as he sank slowly into the welcoming depths of the ocean , under the incurious eye of the great Whale … .
4 It is not always possible to say precisely which kind of eyes these are pretending to be , but the chances are that in most cases they are mimicking the forward-facing eyes of birds of prey .
5 Jurors were required to restate the Forest bounds , for example in the counties of Dorset and Huntingdon , under the baleful eyes of this new team of royal servants .
6 Not that anyone was shooting up heroin at their desks or anything , but the glazed eyes of some of the dishevelled staff suggested that they were well acquainted with the teachings of Robert Nesta Marley and perhaps worse .
7 Mark Breland took less than four rounds to come through the third defence of his WBC welterweight title yesterday in Tokyo , opening up a bad cut above the right eye of his Japanese challenger , Fujio Ozaki .
8 A children 's ophthalmic surgeon , David Calver , performed a two-hour operation on the right eye of the younger girl , Sara Shadoo , who lives in London .
9 TTX ( 0.5μl TTX ; 10 -4 M ) was injected slowly over about 2min with a 5μl Hamilton syringe through a 34 gauge needle into the right eye of ether-anaesthetized P15 ( a ) or P7 ( b ) rats as previously described .
10 TTX was injected into the right eye of P10 rats and both optic nerves were examined 2 days later , as described in Fig. 1 .
11 and the cellular eyes of the fly
12 One of the citations succinctly sums it up : ‘ It is the Private Eye of the food industry : not always welcome , sometimes sensational , but very necessary all the same ’ .
13 the weak eye of Pierre
14 in the dry eye of Bolkonsky
15 We were looking for the reflective eyes of a fox .
16 Under the menacing eyes of Edward 's Forest judges , juries in Essex , Hampshire , Gloucestershire , Derby , Staffordshire , Huntingdonshire and Northamptonshire restated the bounds of the forests in their counties at their widest extent .
17 In judging a living thing , other imponderables also come into play , which only the trained eye of an experienced judge can correctly assess within the framework of the total picture .
18 In fact , tuition and advice are available in a multitude of sports under the trained eye of friendly , experienced coaches .
19 When asked what frightens me most about London , I say , it is not the pinwheeled eyes of junkies on the street .
20 The tilted eyes of the others gives the doctor his heroic , questing mien , his humourless nimbus .
21 Meanwhile , under the careful eye of the housekeeper , the servants were busily making preparations for the master 's homecoming .
22 The sameness of yellow road lights , shaped like faucets , flash black flash upon the desert of the motorway , and then , the bit where the road goes dark , where there is no light at all , but for the torch-like eyes of our own headlights .
23 Abruptly she looked up — straight into the night-black eyes of Naylor Massingham .
24 Soaked in noxious-smelling slimy water , and watched only by the sightless eyes of rotting fish , Benny left the cavern .
25 She was silently amused at the forms the approaches took : the clumsy grope from Bill Muggeridge ; the galumphing puppyishness of Corbett Farraday ; the appraising eye of Tom Tedder ( for either loyalty to Miss Gilberd , or lethargy , prevented anything more tangible ) .
26 Then , even as it dawned on her that the flowers had probably been placed there by lovers , so , as she looked up again into the dark eyes of the tall Czechoslovakian , she all at once knew why it was that her breath had caught a few seconds ago .
27 Thus , in the example of the punishment of a one-eyed man who had struck out the eye of another person , the Pharisee would not approve of striking out the remaining eye of the offender , unlike the Sadducee , who would .
28 The mini-skirt spread through the western world from many centres ; it appeared in Oxford Street , London , long before it reached Oxford Street , Swansea , and presumably it was seen in Chicago , Illinois , an appreciable time before it dazzled the male eyes of the " city " of Muddy in the south of the same state .
29 Even to the jaundiced eyes of veteran Washington reporters , this is mighty early to be planning a presidential campaign .
30 At last , as I set my knife and fork down , I caught the gloomy eye of my table-companion and ventured to say , ‘ You will be in Geneva tomorrow in time to see this wretched woman brought to justice , I presume ? ’
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