Example sentences of "the [noun sg] since [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He is only the fourth Irishman to win the award since it was introduced in 1951 , and the first since former world featherweight champion Barry McGuigan ten years ago .
2 Perhaps the easiest technique to improve is turning the board since it can be practised in any wind .
3 Phillipon told reporters that Quebec and Nova Scotia are not party to the framework since they had broken ranks with a 1991 provinical agreement to disdain unilateral compensation by earlier this year unveiling vastly discrepant compensation programmes .
4 You are both altered by the experience since it does not involve solely issuing orders .
5 She never asked if she could help in the kitchen since she knew Alice would be irritated by an offer which she knew to be impractical and insincere .
6 Aubrey 's arrival had augmented the difficulty since he had been given the guest room adjoining Harry 's .
7 then I 'm perfectly happy to let Gus take over the responsibility since he did such a great job .
8 It is a home from home for Sue Wilson , who has probably spent as many nights at the camp since it was set up on January 18 as she has at home .
9 Indeed , Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 is a clear decision to the contrary since it laid down unequivocally that an act may be an appropriation notwithstanding that it is done with the consent of the owner .
10 The initial construction of the data structure is of little importance to the user since it is rarely performed .
11 As a matter of fact you are the first visitor to come to the cottage since I moved in two years ago . ’
12 ‘ I 've felt a lot more comfortable on the course since I started seeing him .
13 After penetrating the intestine of the final host the L3 travel to the lungs , probably in the blood since they are found in the alveoli 4-6 hours after experimental infection .
14 His authority is based on many years experience in the industry since he started in 1964. is assisted with packing and loading by and .
15 Rincewind knew himself to be almost certainly the worst wizard on the discworld since he knew but one spell ; yet for all that he was still a wizard , and thus by the inexorable laws of magic this meant that upon his demise it would be Death himself who appeared to claim him ( instead of sending one of his numerous servants , as is usually the case ) .
16 Amid continuing tension in the capital , troops of the 500-strong Pakistani UN contingent guarding relief supplies at Mogadishu port and airport killed at least one Somali in a skirmish at the airport on Dec. 4 , the first blood shed by the force since it arrived in September [ see pp. 39085 ; 39132 ] .
17 Members of parliament are not , therefore , individually responsible to the electorate since they are members of a party team that is collectively and directly responsible to the electorate as a whole .
18 She pointed to an 11-year-old girl who had been hovering in the doorway since I arrived .
19 Fish Sparks , who 's been a bit down in the mouth since we rumbled his story , thought it was terrifically funny to start calling the Indians things like Sitting Bull and Tonto , but of course they did n't understand and anyway the rest of us sort of froze him out .
20 Lubrication may be provided by melting between mineral boundaries , but molten material must only form a small proportion of the asthenosphere since it is capable of transmitting S-waves .
21 He 'd managed to grab a couple of hours ' sleep in the cell since they 'd brought him in , but it was scarcely enough to refresh him .
22 The Commonwealth Tournament , which includes sides from Canada , Australia and New Zealand , takes place on a four-year cycle , and Britain has not lifted the trophy since it lasted hosted the event , at Ganton , in 1975 .
23 L.G.M. Rees , the pilot of the Sunderland reported : ‘ My aircraft was launched at last light the evening before the sortie since it was dangerous at that time to leave an aircraft on moorings in daylight where it could be easy prey to enemy aircraft .
24 Her personal milliner John Boyd , who has been making hats for the princess since she was 16 , said : ‘ She already has such a collection of hats that she does n't need anything new for this occasion . ’
25 The dialogue between Fenwick and Susan establishes a point of origin for the plot since they are both consciously composing their story , drawing parallels with the ‘ wandering-hero myths ’ and arguing over the nature of flashbacks ( they even throw out a reference to ‘ something called postmodernism ’ ) .
26 The Zande , however , are more honest and uncompromising : they do not dodge the issue since they maintain that accidents never happen .
27 Essex loves the Queen since she is the embodiment of England .
28 New imaging and scanning equipment can transmit images away from the site of the machine since they use computers not X-ray film , allowing doctors at outlying sites to have recourse to specialist opinion relayed from a distance .
29 If you do not have many outlets , or can not add extra lights , think of adding track-lighting to the ceiling since you can fix as many spots onto a track , trained to as many angles as you think it will take .
30 ‘ You are n't afraid of a woman who has never seen the sun since you were born ? ’ asked Miss Havisham .
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