Example sentences of "the [noun sg] be probably " in BNC.

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1 What is clear is that some — if not all — of the equipment found in the remains of the tent was probably left by Bonington who intended , during his retreat , to go back up to the highest camp .
2 What to do if disorientation does occur : Since temporary mild disorientation is something that all pilots must learn to live with , the majority are probably not consciously aware of having to do anything .
3 This study can not conclude with certainty the nature of the cells expressing mRNA for interleukin 1 or tumour necrosis factor , although the majority are probably macrophages .
4 The change is probably more apparent than real , but what seems to be an inexorable narrowing of the officer 's range of effective discretion is demeaning to his sense of personal authority .
5 The struggle is probably better understood as one between a dominant oligarchy and those whom they excluded from power .
6 You can see how Dorothy Sayers did it by having the victim being supposed to be actively painting when in fact he was dead , and it is by using some such piece of lateral thinking , making the victim provide the alibi in this instance , that the trick is probably most easily brought off .
7 To the western world , however , the Swastika is probably the most disturbing image that has ever been associated with a political regime .
8 The sample is too small for reliable analysis and the speculations within the text are probably all that this study justifies .
9 The speciality is much smaller and the leaders in the field are probably acknowledged by most if not all practising in the field . )
10 It 's common sense to keep the dust down , as the kitchen is probably the most difficult place to clean up properly .
11 The worry is probably what else you could object to , in the long-term drug therapy , for instance , ’ says Simon Hebditch of MIND .
12 The statue was probably some bishop , but the picture was supposed to be Jesus or God — a print of the Coventry tapestry , I now knew .
13 Nevertheless the ministry was probably the best and most complete of its kind in Europe .
14 In fact , in so far as religion was involved , the contrary was probably the case , as the ideas of the Reformation affected the nobles and the town dwellers more than the peasants .
15 Although L3 can persist in sheep faeces during adverse weather conditions the protection is probably less than that afforded by the more abundant bovine faecal pat .
16 East India affairs apart , Herne 's parliamentary career was limited to sitting on a number of committees ( the committee set up early in 1695 to prevent the clipping of the coin being probably the most notable ) .
17 The factual part of the story is probably this — about 702 A.D. , part of Ayrshire was ruled , or at least contested , by Coilus , a king of the Britons , and rivals for the territory were the Scots led by Fergus .
18 Although the story is probably a fair reflection of the Italians ' unwillingness to find themselves in the middle of an English war , most Englishmen seem to have acknowledged Gloucester 's authority .
19 Although the story is probably a fair reflection of the Italians ' unwillingness to find themselves in the middle of an English war , most Englishmen seem to have acknowledged Gloucester 's authority .
20 Even allowing for the passions of the moment , the story is probably true ; it is thoroughly in keeping with Pétain 's character ( and the 33rd was suffering from lack of discipline when he took it over ) .
21 He sarcastically suggests that the story was probably invented ‘ to gratify some friends , who would be glad to hear what use can be made , even in point of life and manners , of a microscope ’ .
22 In Carry on Sergeant , the story was probably more important than in most of the other components of the series .
23 The best known in the West is probably shakudo , which is a copper alloy with a deep black patina , but other copper alloys were patinated to produce colours ranging from shades of grey and brown through to green .
24 The noise is probably pre-ignition , commonly called pinking .
25 Upstairs and away from the noise is probably the largest collection of scrimshaw to be found anywhere in the world .
26 There is a fiscal impact on an inter-country basis and in aggregate the impact of the budget is probably positive , but is likely to be small .
27 Since the play was probably written before her dismissal , it is possible that Leapor is describing a struggle against the logic of her own ambitions .
28 There is even a gap in the centre with no flowers where the material marking the ford was probably removed at a later date to allow passage for the boats , leaving a silty bottom to the river in that place unsuitable for the growth of water crowfoot .
29 Taking Primary Schools as a whole the curriculum is probably wide enough to serve curriculum needs …
30 Other investigations , using different research designs , point to the same conclusion , and have further demonstrated that the association is probably , as Karlsson suggests , largely genetic in origin .
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