Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of cells " in BNC.

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1 Selection for this feature can therefore provide populations of embryos which are just starting to form blastocysts and where the majority of cells will be in their sixth cell cycle .
2 As I shall discuss in Chapter 9 , more long-lasting changes in gene activation are involved in the differentiation of cells in higher organisms , for example the differences between cells in the kidney , liver , intestine and so on .
3 However , particular emphasis will be placed on the more recent techniques designed to study the differentiation of cells in their normal environment in the intact embryo .
4 In the case of cells that absorbed at short wavelengths , we checked that the pigment was photolabile by repeating the absorbance measurements after bleaching the cell with white light for 5min .
5 In both cases , Bcl-2 expression substantially delayed and reduced c-Myc-induced apoptosis ( Fig. 4 ) , effectively increasing the resistance of cells to each drug .
6 The biochemistry of cells is basically just the chemistry of the larger molecules that the physicists ca n't yet deal with through quantum theory calculations .
7 Plant growth is expressed by the division of cells in localised regions and by the expansion and differentiation of these cells .
8 This pattern consists of the presence of cells staining with the 3G8 and RFD9 antibodies .
9 Experimental controls consisted of a similar procedure without the presence of cells .
10 We report detailed ultrastructural studies on tissue from a patient with visceral myopathy in whom there were prominent alterations in smooth muscle fibres of the muscularis propria , which included the presence of cells with the typical appearance of myofibroblasts .
11 Positive cytology was based on the presence of cells with established characteristics of malignancy as shown in Figure 2 .
12 Yet when Lukowiak looked for such a correlation he could not find it ; it seemed as if control of the strength of the reflex was not vested in any single cell of the abdominal ganglion , but was instead a property of the interactions between the ensemble of cells as a system .
13 If this was the case , the proliferation of cells in leukaemia might be brought under control .
14 Nevertheless , it seemed reasonable that chemotherapeutic agents known to block the proliferation of cells might also be immunosuppressive .
15 An additional supply of exogenous bFGF accelerated the ulcer healing probably due to the increased angiogenesis and the proliferation of cells such as myofibroblasts in the granulation tissue .
16 The succession of cells along which archival DNA travels is called the germ line .
17 I was so much convinced that I should get Roux 's result in all its features , that even in spite of the whole blastula , I now expected the next morning would reveal to me the half-organization of my subject once more ; the gut , I supposed , might come out quite on one side of it , as a half-tube , and the ring of cells might be a half one also .
18 Therefore , only the injection of cells is described here ( Table 11 and Figure 10 ) .
19 You could also find some letters that were confused , they did n't share common features but they sounded the same and they tended to be confused as well There was a lot of enthusiasm from the work of the neuro-psychologist th with the discovery of cells which appeared to be sensitive to particular features .
20 The induction of apoptosis by p53 following genotoxic insult may act as a defence mechanism to protect the organism from the propagation of cells that have sustained mutation .
21 Instead of highlighting the first cell with the formula in it , and the rest of the row or column , then accessing the edit menu and copying right or down , all you do is use that little cross in the bottom right hand corner of the cell border , and drag it across the range you want the formula copied to — Excel is clever enough to decide whether you want to copy or fill , and copies the formula through the range of cells — making the necessary alterations to cell references as it goes .
22 Grafting models were then developed to assess the capacity of cells isolated and cultured by this method , for organotypic development .
23 Some variation was found in the proportion of cells transfected in different animals which probably reflects differences in the amounts of DNA delivered .
24 In any learning task , the proportion of cells in each chip which should be set to 1 is likely to be independent of the number of cells in the chip ; so the number of learning cycles will be roughly proportional to the size of a chip .
25 DNA histograms were collected for 3×10 nuclei and the proportion of cells in S phase calculated using a linear S phase fitting programme .
26 After mitotic arrest at 48h with colchicine , the percentage of cells with dicentric chromosomes was determined ( Fig. 1 ) .
27 For each sample , 1000 erythrocytes were counted and the percentage of cells with one or more pits noted .
28 DNA flow cytometry was performed on cells disrupted from the culture monolayer by EDTA treatment using standard techniques , to define the percentage of cells in G 2 /M phase ( division ) , S phase ( DNA synthesis ) , and G o phase ( resting ) .
29 The percentage of cells with >10 adherent bacilli was recorded and a strain was scored as adherent if at least 40% of the HEp-2 cells had adherent bacilli .
30 Patterns of pigmentation are due to the distribution of cells that are derived from the neural crest ( Chapter 2 ) .
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