Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [adv] became " in BNC.

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1 An amazing difference occurred ; the guitar suddenly became cleaner , clearer when played acoustically and through an amp , plus I still had full use of the tremolo unit .
2 The reason for the change soon became apparent .
3 The struggle now became more equal , for the churned , blood-stained mud affected both sides ; and both were short of food and ammunition , since their supply lines had been largely demolished by rival artillery fire .
4 The inside of the dug-out soon became familiar .
5 The Archbishop then became a popular hero for defying the King in this sordid affair , and those , including Andrewes , who had obliged Lady Essex in the divorce were discredited .
6 The kitchen then became a hive of industry , with the fat being cut up and rendered for lard , kept in a big earthenware pot .
7 The pressure on local councils to obtain building land to cope with housing demand , and the force of demographic forecasts which by the end of the 1950s were being revised upwards , resulted in a series of dog-fights between the large urban authorities and the shire counties , in which the Ministry inevitably became involved .
8 As I suppose was inevitable , the story gradually became that Eric would set fire to them , not just their pet dogs ; and , as was probably also inevitable , a lot of kids started to think that I was Eric , or that I got up to the same tricks .
9 When the big night finally arrived , New York 's all-powerful theatre critics raved about the acting performances , but the play soon became , literally , a pain in the neck for its star .
10 The term then became a nonsense .
11 The talk quickly became too technical for Sabine to follow , and Marie-Christine laughed at her bemused expression .
12 With the removal of legal barriers to entry , the industry quickly became more competitive .
13 The enemy soon became aware of the importance of the work at Bawdsey and our intelligence got wind of plans for a massive attempt to demolish the research station .
14 The weight then became 11T — 7C — 0Q .
15 The force also became more ethnically representative of the population .
16 Under H. Llewellyn Smith the department also became an important source of investigation of the numbers and condition of the unemployed .
17 Because Granby House was a listed building , the contractor eventually became exempt from this tax , but as he could not reclaim any VAT he had already paid to suppliers , he had to pass most of it on to the developer .
18 Established , in close co-operation with the Communist Party , by the publisher Victor Gollancz in March 1936 , the Club rapidly became rather more than a purveyor of books — though , with 50,000 members by the beginning of 1938 , it did that effectively and in vast numbers .
19 Ross Aldridge , the ‘ newcomer ’ policeman , must have been pretty well-briefed by his predecessor , because he restricted himself to friendly off-the-record warnings when the practice occasionally became too obvious .
20 The mill later became known as Garden Mill .
21 During the eighteenth century the sport increasingly became a recreation of the working classes .
22 The peasantry never became resigned to their condition .
23 Imaged in such terms , the sodomite indeed became the supreme instance of the demonized other .
24 Yes , removing the work from the machine soon became an acquired skill .
25 The dollar also became a principal source of liquidity for private transactions ( e.g. oil payments ) because of the dollar 's crucial position in the international monetary system , which made it a safe and acceptable medium of exchange .
26 The museum quickly became unable to house the constant influx of new objects , while the surroundings have become unable to cope with problems such as coach parking posed by the enormous numbers of visitors .
27 The Committee soon became the Central ( Unemployed ) Body ( CUB ) , with one of its functions being to ‘ establish , take over , and assist Labour Exchanges or Employment Registers and collect information ’ .
28 A one-way system meant that out of season hold-ups were rare , but in the peak summer months when the holidaymakers poured in by the dozens in their hire cars the village often became jammed .
29 Margaret gasped at the way the child suddenly became thin and feverish-looking under the woman 's gaze .
30 Although designed as a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the party 's foundation , the conference immediately became embroiled in a bitter struggle over the election of the ALP president , a largely ceremonial position .
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