Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] deaths " in BNC.

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1 The majority of deaths from lung cancer happen to smokers ; smoking causes heart disease , bronchitis and emphysema ; many more suffer years of debilitating illness that would certainly kill them if some other cause of death — crossing the road to go to the tobacconist first , perhaps — did not intervene .
2 McKenna , recognising the species specific nature of the sudden infant death syndrome and the relatively narrow time range of the majority of deaths , drew attention to both the relatively long period of physical dependence of the human infant and the ways in which caring practices vary with historical and cultural contexts .
3 For both diseases women outside the screening programme account for the majority of deaths .
4 In England and Wales those aged 65 + represent the majority of deaths from all forms of heart disease and strokes .
5 The majority of deaths were , according to monitoring groups , related to vigilante action in Natal and the Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging ( PWV ) region of the Transvaal .
6 The majority of deaths result from deliberate shooting or trapping , while others are due to poisons such as strychnine , laid for crows and foxes .
7 2.3 In the case of deaths occurring before 1 January 1983 , damages recoverable under the 1934 Act include damages for pain and suffering and loss sustained by the deceased before his death , damages for loss of expectation of life , damages for loss of future earnings during the " lost years " and funeral expenses .
8 2.4 In the case of deaths occurring on or after 1 January 1983 the right to damages for loss of expectation of life is abolished by s1 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 .
9 It follows that damages recoverable by the estate under the 1934 Act in the case of deaths occurring on or after that date are limited to financial loss suffered before his death , to damages for pain and suffering sustained by the deceased before his death and to funeral expenses .
10 Editor , — It is unfortunate that Gary P Bray adds to the confusion over deaths from paracetamol overdose by an apparent failure to recognise the difference between the cause of death and a coroner 's verdict as to its motivation .
11 A NEW road safety initiative aimed at reducing the toll of deaths and injuries to children has been launched in Cheshire .
12 Some of the documentaries screening are A PLACE OF RAGE , a portrait of two inspirational African-American women Angela Davies and June Jordan , and MYSTERIES OF JULY an elegaic investigation into the issue of deaths at the hands of the police .
13 Population attributable risks , not adjusted for other factors , estimate the proportion of deaths explained by exposure to the risk factor , and the relative attributable risks estimate the percentage of the excess risk in Maori , compared with non-Maori , which could be attributed to a higher exposure to the risk factor in Maori children .
14 This eighteenth-century controversy may be insoluble as it is so difficult to determine the extent of rural inoculation , and the proportion of deaths attributable to smallpox in country areas .
15 With increasing age the percentage of deaths attributable to heart disease and cancer decreases , while that for cerebrovascular disease ( stroke ) and respiratory diseases increases ( Figure 3.2 ) .
16 Although the number of suicides by other methods rose , this was not sufficient to compensate for the fall in deaths due to coal gas poisoning — indeed , a reduction in suicide of over 30% was observed .
17 In 1854 , Dr John Snow and William Farr assembled demographic statistics on the distribution of deaths from the new vital registration system to demonstrate beyond doubt , and contrary to received opinion , that the disease was water-borne and came from specific sources ( Lewes 1983 ) .
18 The distribution of deaths in this group among the four categories was similar to the distribution of all perinatal deaths in the study .
19 Fourteen per cent of the sample of deaths occurred in such homes ; this compares with a much lower proportion , 5 per cent in 1969 ( Cartwright et al . ,
20 ( In an extreme case we might have a fairly constant number of 0-year-old children ( say 5000 ) in some population , yet averaging 100 deaths each week in the 0–1 age group , so that the ratio of deaths to mean population over a year exceeds 1.01 ) .
21 It 's the latest in a series of grim , hard-hitting ads that have helped to cut by more than half the tally of deaths in accidents involving drunken drivers .
22 Differences in the rate of deaths from heart disease were also small .
23 And the rate of deaths , the number per one thousand live births , has also dropped over the same period , from 2.30 in 1988 to 1.44 in 1991 .
24 Adjustment for risk factors made little difference to the rates except when the subset of deaths due to immaturity was adjusted for birth weight .
25 Do you think it reduces the incidence of deaths at one year by affecting ischaemic or arrhythmic death ?
26 In 1982 , the total of deaths in alcohol-related road accidents stood at 1,670 .
27 Since such fatalities are frequently avoidable , each one is an indictment of corporate practices , and consequently wherever pressure can be brought to bear , either in the process of recognizing a fatal disease-causing work condition or in the enforcement practices , corporate officials will lean towards favouring those definitions and arrangements which minimize the recording of deaths as arising from occupational hazards .
28 Lichtenstein , Slovic , Fischhoff , Layman and Combs ( 1978 ) for example in a study on the judged frequency of a variety of lethal events found that the frequency of deaths from road accidents was systematically underestimated in relation to other causes of death .
29 All the data published on the effect of gill-nets on small cetaceans probably represents a conservative estimate of the number of deaths .
30 The number of cases is not recorded ; the number of deaths is officially put at 855 , and may have been much higher , since diarrhoea is so common there that it often goes unreported .
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