Example sentences of "the [noun] would put " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure the smell would put Lina off . ’
2 I changed in The Bun Shop and slipped through an alley to the Lion to be confronted by a police sergeant and two bobbies and there was no way that I and the sheep would put on our act at the Lion .
3 On Aug. 28 it also announced that , in complete collaboration with NATO policy-making , the WEU would put at the immediate disposal of the UN almost 5,000 troops , along with transport and logistical equipment .
4 Report after report issued under the aegis of British governments and parliaments of all flavours , as well as weighty learned institutions , have stressed that the balanced education of the future would put more emphasis on the numerate skills .
5 Both may be escapist , but when pressed the most frequent response is ‘ Yes , but the farm/business would put my family at risk ’ .
6 Elizabeth , though not in the least religious , liked the ceremonies and seasonal activities of the Orthodox Church , but when the weather was unseasonable she wished the clergy would put nylon coverings over their handsome vestments .
7 But the rudimentary nature of the ‘ Hooligan ’ style was not in any essential way different from the later youth fashions in the ‘ affluent ’ postwar era where the kids would put together their ‘ unprecedented ’ styles out of various permutations of available scraps such as tight trousers , baggy trousers , long hair , short hair , no hair , jeans , braces , T-shirts , string ties , broad ties , no ties , heavy boots , narrow winkle-picker shoes , long jackets , short jackets , etc .
8 Or as the designers would put it , segmentation is a result of recognition .
9 The management would put up a screen in front of them and provide the audience with bad eggs and moldy tomatoes to pelt them with . ’
10 Rachel had imagined that the accident would put paid to Family Day and that the other activities , including the firework display , would be cancelled , but within the hour a message came through from the hospital from Sir Anthony to say that , because miraculously there had been no fatalities , with even the pilot surviving his injuries , it was his express wish that the Family Day celebration should continue .
11 Nuadu knew that the Robemaker would put him to the treadmills ; that he would be forced to work at powering the Silver Looms to weave the Robemaker 's enchantments .
12 And these were put on and then one after the other would put onto the van and they would come right up to this height .
13 She was sure the conductor would put him off .
14 Under it , the only change from the existing primary voting system would be that instead of placing one ‘ X ’ against the name of a favoured candidate , the voter would put ‘ 1 ’ against his first choice , ‘ 2 ’ against his second choice , etc .
15 The project being proposed by the Commission would put up £450 million for collaborative work in computers and automation .
16 Nor is there a single moment when you find yourself wearily wishing that the characters would put a sock into their ceaseless flow of Shavian chatter , a depressingly familiar experience in too many of his plays .
17 Many a godly Jew must have felt what a wonderful thing it would be if Moses ' longing could be fulfilled , ‘ Would that all the Lord 's people were prophets , that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them ’ ( Num. 11:29 ) : and that is just what the prophets were led by God to foretell for the last days .
18 The skipper of one Shetland boat , Magnie Stewart , said the tankers would put up two red lights to give warning that they were not under command .
19 When things were at their worst and it appeared the disease would spread over the whole island , Sister Mary Jane Wilson offered , if the government would put into good order the hospital at Lazareto ( which had been damaged and looted during riots ) , to take the group of sisters of whom she was in charge to nurse the sick there .
20 I would hope that whatever the County would put in place would encourage the w the , the waste collection authorities currently the district er councils actually to offer at doorstep collection arrangements wo which I believe will substantially increase the amount of , of waste that could be recycled .
21 Being able to live and sleep with the most desirable woman in the world would put an end to all the previous months and years of longing and loneliness .
22 " Do you think the company would put an inexperienced driver on a run like that ? "
23 He warned the increase would put a further strain on pubs which are already feeling the recession 's bite and would encourage drinkers to shop abroad .
24 He warned the increase would put a further strain on pubs which are already feeling the recession 's bite and would encourage drinkers to shop abroad .
25 ‘ The owner of the castle would put his family into a boat and row them across the lake to church every Sunday .
26 I do n't suppose the unions would put up with it these days but er ha there were n't such things as unions for nurses in those days .
27 A 2.5pc increase in market share after the merger would put another £40m in the company coffers .
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