Example sentences of "the [noun] in respect " in BNC.

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1 The provision in respect of the write down of oil and gas assets [ £232 million ] , the net releases of tax provisions [ £78 million ] and the loss on sale of Ultramar 's downstream business [ £302 million ] partly offset by profits on other disposals [ £30 million , net of tax ] have been treated as exceptional items .
2 ( b ) There are three common features to the offences in s.2(1) : deception of the creditor in respect of a liability , dishonesty , and the use of deception to gain an advantage : Holt [ 1981 ] 1 WLR 1000 ( CA ) .
3 This was certainly not the case in respect of the Geneva Conventions Act where the offences were newly created solely to give effect to the Convention , and were described as being hardly applicable to the case at all .
4 While I have no reason to believe that this was the case in respect of Wilson , or indeed any senior member of the Labour Party , I can understand why such a person would be reluctant to try to abort the inquiry .
5 That will be the case in respect of this legislation , and a host of anomalies will come to light .
6 We will pay to you such sum as may be fair and reasonable in all the circumstances of the case in respect of work performed by you under this order prior to cancellation , and in respect of which we have received the benefit .
7 The essence of the decision in Watt v. Rama [ 1972 ] V.R. 353 was the court 's conclusion as to when the plaintiff suffered the damage in respect of which she sued .
8 There was no right of recourse to the courts in respect of suspension and refusal of listing and no right in respect of cancellation .
9 The construction which is put forward by the Commissioners is one which was adopted by the courts in respect of section 4 of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 , upon which section 265 of the Act of 1986 is plainly modelled .
10 Section 100 deals with the extent of discretion of the courts in respect of claims for possession of residential dwellings where the Rent Act applies .
11 Although it has rarely been the subject of judicial pronouncement the conceptual basis of the " conventional " sums awarded by the courts in respect of non-pecuniary losses appears to be that such sums are what are considered fair and reasonable compensation in the social , economic and industrial conditions which prevail in England and Wales .
12 As an illustration in the case of the British Coal case study ( see p 11 of the text ) students could be asked how the reporting in terms of ‘ the progress in respect of minimising the impacts of new mines on the environment ’ could be improved .
13 I refer to the decision in respect of roads and the environment and to the prospective legislation that will put railways into the same category , especially in relation to the channel link .
14 However , in the commercial world , in the context of conditions of sale and purchase , the terms are used interchangeably to refer to express remedies granted in the contract by the seller to the buyer in respect of defective goods or workmanship .
15 Many such clauses then go on to provide , rather as in the case of the warranty in relation to defective goods , that the express remedies in the clause are the only remedies granted to the buyer in respect of infringement of third party intellectual property rights , and that all other remedies implied by law are excl uded .
16 On termination , the Seller may exercise any of the following rights , either alone , or in any combination : ( i ) dispose of the goods as it thinks fit ; ( ii ) retain any deposit or part payment made by the Buyer ; ( iii ) recover damages from the Buyer in respect of any losses it suffers as a result of the Buyer 's failure to take delivery , including , but not limited to , the profit it would have made had the buyer performed its obligations , the costs of storage of the goods and the costs of disposing of the goods .
17 They may , however , be taken into account in the initial measurement of the liability in respect of debt to which they directly relate since by this means the financial effect on the issuer of the transaction as a whole is properly reflected .
18 Mr. Secretary Newton , supported by the Prime Minister , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , Mr. Secretary Heseltine , Mr. Secretary Brooke , Mr. Secretary Hunt , Mr. Secretary Lilley , Mr. Secretary Lang , Mr. Nicholas Scott and Miss Ann Widdecombe , presented a Bill to make provision for requiring , in certain cases where interest on a loan secured on land is payable by a person who is entitled , or whose partner , former partner or qualifying associate is entitled , to income support , the applicable amount in respect of which includes a sum in respect of that interest , that a part of the benefits to which any of those persons is entitled under the enactments relating to social security shall be paid directly to the lender and applied towards the discharge of the liability in respect of the interest ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time tomorrow and to be printed .
19 The application of the UCTA 1977 to non-consumer indemnities will depend not merely on the clause , but on the nature of the liability in respect of which it is invoked , as is illustrated by the decisions of the Court of Appeal in Phillips Products Ltd v Hyland [ 1987 ] 2 All ER 620 and Thompson v T Lohan ( Plant Hire ) Ltd ( JW Hurdiss Ltd , third party ) [ 1987 ] 2 All ER 631 .
20 Similarly , if the headtenant collects VAT from the subtenants in respect of any services which he provides for them , the amount of such VAT should also be deducted .
21 George Eastham backed by the PFA took Newcastle United to court for ‘ unjustifiable restraint on trade ’ and won the case , although significantly the logical implications of the judgement in respect of full freedom of contract for players was resisted by the Football League for nearly another twenty years .
22 Disclaimer notices , such as ‘ Articles left at owner 's risk … etc ’ are not valid unless the firm concerned can show in court that they were reasonable in the circumstances , and in any case would not protect the firm against any claim arising out of the negligence in respect of the articles .
23 For some time airlines , particularly British Airways , have been bringing strong pressure to bear within the CAA 's Finance Advisory Committee ( FAC ) to reverse the present charging scheme , whereby 97.6 per cent of its AOC income comes from the Variable Charges , in favour of the majority of income being derived from the Fixed Charges element , which would then reflect the actual expenditure of effort by the CAA in respect of each company .
24 Heads of departments and institutions are indemnified by the University in respect of any claims made against them under civil law in connection with safety duties .
25 The Inland Revenue has now clarified the position ( Statement of Practice SP6/90 dated 27 April 1990 ) : ( i ) this section does not affect conveyances or transfers which fall within s83 of the Finance Act 1985 and Category H above ; ( ii ) if on a conveyance or transfer of property subject to a debt ( not within the provisions of s83 ) the transferee covenants ( either in the instrument or separately ) to pay the debt or indemnify the transferor in respect thereof such covenant constitutes valuable consideration and establishes the transaction as a sale for stamp duty purposes .
26 Although a licensing board may resolve to call for the production of plans under the subsection in respect of a number of existing licences , a separate requirement must be recorded and intimated to the licence holder in respect of each licence separately .
27 ( No mention is made here of express terms which are defective and if in that event the court is free to imply terms , though as we suggest below , there is such power. ) ( 2 ) In the absence of an express term , the obligations of the employee in respect of the use and disclosure of information are the subject of implied terms .
28 The remedial cost for this damage is not admissible unless it can be shown to relate directly to damage to the roof in respect of which a claim is or has been accepted .
29 These proceedings should be permitted to proceed in England , hand-in-hand with the action in respect of which the bank has submitted to the jurisdiction of the English court .
30 the Trader has agreed in writing to reimburse the Carrier in respect of all additional costs which result from the carrying of the said items and
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