Example sentences of "the [noun] talk [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Children must be given the opportunity to talk through their ideas before they are expected to write them down .
2 After the emergency , give your child the opportunity to talk about the incident and about any other worries he or she may have .
3 Although it is of course true that people can be greatly helped by having the opportunity to talk about their impending loss , ( both their worries about it and their wish to talk about it together with the person who is dying ) this must be when the time feels right for the people involved and not when the helper , professional or lay , deems it appropriate .
4 I had asked the Englishman , who was tilting his clean-cut face to the sun , if I could use some of his sun cream , seizing the opportunity to talk about my robbery .
5 They respond to affection , being made to feel that they matter and to the opportunity to talk about or work through their past , especially in ways that help to raise their self-esteem .
6 1.8 Staff who experience a violent incident will have the opportunity to talk about the incident with colleagues and managers .
7 The opportunity to talk about feelings and experiences , and to ventilate anxieties , sadness , anger or despair is important , as is the ability to find some personal meaning in the experience — for instance , following the death of one 's child , believing that his or her suffering and treatment may in some way help other children with the same affliction in the future .
8 He needs the opportunity to talk about his feelings at the moment , what he was hoping to gain from the sniffing .
9 Mr Walden says he 's received numerous letters since the Iraqi invasion two months ago , and felt it important to take the opportunity to talk with the people he represents .
10 Having spent a night in accommodation which is the same as the recruits ' and having had the opportunity to talk to some of the recruits in the Sandes Coffee Shop last night , they have an excellent idea about their future career .
11 But it does need to be borne in mind that although this form of sudden death can create such instantaneous reactions there are also people who hide and keep quiet and suffer for a long time before finding the opportunity to talk to someone about their feelings or until another trigger sets them grieving .
12 The class teacher and the head can use the opportunity to talk to the parents about a particular aspect of school life or single out individual parents to discuss progress and developments and , of course , thank parents for their support .
13 The monotony is relieved somewhat if you have the opportunity to talk to a fellow traveller who feels the same about long train journeys , then you have something in common besides moaning about the rigours of train travel .
14 After being taken round by a six or seven year old , parents visiting the school for the first time were given the opportunity to talk to me or to one of my colleagues .
15 An unemployed lift engineer 's mate , Darren Webb , 25 , of Colchester , also appreciated the opportunity to talk to people about the various training and job schemes available rather than having to rely on leaflets .
16 ‘ For I wanted the opportunity to talk to you privately , ’ she told Theda quietly , ‘ although I could not see Araminta allowing it . ’
17 But if you 're playing guitar for your own personal pleasure , which many of us do , then you want the guitar to talk to you — not to some non-existent person sitting fifteen feet away .
18 After yesterday 's service , the Prince talked to veterans introduced by Jack Edwards , 74 , a former warrant officer with the Royal Corps of Signals , who was captured by the Japanese in Singapore and forced to work in the copper mines of Taiwan .
19 Stella stood in the middle of the field talking to the only chap properly attired in shorts and jersey .
20 Atari makes it more difficult by writing into the operating system ( the instructions that govern how the computer handles data ) an instruction that does not allow the computer to talk to disc drive and cartridge at the same time .
21 What was the computer talking about ?
22 The Chairman talked of recent company progress and the part played by good management .
23 With horror I suddenly recognized one of them — it was the man in our village pub who had given me the two pound notes ! and strangely enough , during the journey I heard the prisoners talking about it .
24 So Dr Losberne went down to the kitchen to talk to the three servants who had surprised Sikes and Oliver during the robbery .
25 I expect many mothers have had the experience of standing at the sink washing and re-washing dishes because a teenage son or daughter is standing in the kitchen talking about something important , and once the dish-washing is over , he or she will go away .
26 Nahum was in the kitchen talking to Carrie .
27 Prospective applicants who wish to visit the University to talk with members of academic staff or other officers , or to see the facilities , will be very welcome .
28 ‘ Did the Admiral talk to you at all about your conduct of the wine committee ? ’
29 One saw the driver talking to and touching Mrs Wilks at the emergency telephone box , the silver car parked near by .
30 The Chancellor , you may recall in those far-off heady , as distinct from flat , days of the Budget talked of a penny on a pint .
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