Example sentences of "the [adj] reason give " in BNC.

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1 The usual reason given for the Jewish and Moslem strictures against eating pork is that they began a public health measures , to prevent pork-borne diseases such as trichinosis .
2 The second reason given seems a little odd at first : a specific list of prohibited practices can only increase the degree of uncertainty for firms compared to the current arrangements , where nothing is specified .
3 The official reason given for the committee 's demise was that it had indulged in counterrevolution and illicit dealings with foreign powers .
4 The chief reason given for closure ( by 78% ) was that there was not enough competition in the school ; that against closure , that pupils received more individual attention ( 67% ) .
5 The basic reason given was that the traditional rating system failed to produce democratic accountability .
6 The major reason given for the closure of railway lines and stations was that the 1950s modernization plan for the railways had had little effect on stemming an ever-rising deficit in running costs .
7 The major reason given for giving them the boot was the requirement for a shit-hot pitch when the Euro championships come round in 96 .
8 Mary Hume-Rothery , for example , stressed that the sexual oppression of poor women brought to light by the acts was all the more reason to give women the vote and extend their educational provision , so that they could exercise formal political power .
9 ‘ Is n't that all the more reason to give him your support ? ’
10 Steward cites the medical reasons given for rescue team callouts by friends of youngsters who have collapsed in the hills .
11 Reference to the first reason given above provides part of the answer .
12 The opportunity to maintain their freedom of referral was one of the commonest reasons given by general practitioners for joining the fundholding scheme .
13 One of the commonest reasons given for why more people do n't cycle is ‘ danger from other traffic ’ .
14 A detailed study of 9 communes in the Monts Domes area of the Puy-de-Dome department ( all LFA ) showed that the utilised agricultural land increased from 9,369 hectares it , 1970 to 10 , 169 hectares in 1980 ( an 8% rise ) , probably for the same reasons given above in this mountainous part of the Auvergne .
15 According to the ministerial reasons given to the Bill this feature is supposed to be a profit-making company with substantial own financial resources solely consisting of corporate members and governed by the council of directors .
16 It is not clear to me precisely what purpose these tests are meant to serve ( there must be a ‘ hidden agenda ’ , as the overt reasons given do not make sense ) , but I can see several disadvantages :
17 Of the two reasons given here the first is unconvincing in the light of the Group 's proposals on the amount of learning progress that each level would encompass .
18 The main reason given for restricting investment in new technology was cost .
19 Although such figures might create public alarm , the main reason given for non-reporting was because the offence was considered too trivial to waste police time ( 38 per cent of reasons given ) , or that the police could do nothing about it ( 16 per cent ) .
20 The main reason given by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys for not making more of the data about the unoccupied group is related to the way in which child mortality is calculated .
21 The inability to protect children from such abuse has been the subject of a succession of inquiry reports , in which the main reason given for this failure has been some failing in procedure such as the lack of communication among the agencies involved .
22 We are told that the main reason given was the weakening of squadrons by withdrawing the best crews , Nevertheless after much procrastination , all of which is still clouded in the veil of " security " , the Pathfinder Force was formed on 15 August 1942 and its first Commandant was Gp Capt D.C.T. Bennett DSO ( later AVM , CB , CBE , DSO ) who was officially appointed on 5 July — the master airman extraordinary and navigator par excellence .
23 The third reason given for not pursuing a more radical reform is that a prohibition system would bite on fewer market situations than present legislation .
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