Example sentences of "lie [prep] bed " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I remember I 'd lie in bed at night crying .
2 Having been told to strip off her clothes , even her shift , without looking at her body , and don a long , unbleached , calico nightdress , she was then told how she must lie in bed , straight down , her hands by her sides .
3 Sunday he can lie in bed till twelve , get up , get dressed and go for a drink , but my job never changes .
4 When she was a girl , she could lie in bed and hear her mother and father talking in the next room .
5 Perhaps he thought I could n't lie in bed with my clothes on .
6 You will lie in bed , dutiful parents that you are , discussing the fact that he still does his 3s and 5s back to front and wondering whether to arrange extra coaching .
7 She could lie in bed at night and in imagination move confidently around the cottage touching them in a happy exploration of shared memories and reassurance .
8 All I can do is lie in bed , listening to the howling wind and staring at the grey northern sky .
9 Ellen would lie in bed at night watching the objects on the mantelpiece in the glow from the street light , hoping they would move again : that something from another world would intervene , give her a clue as to the nature of her existence .
10 You Dublin geezers are so bent , you ca n't even lie in bed straight ! ’
11 I tell myself that I will let myself lie in bed for another five minutes though I stipulate that I am not allowed to go back to sleep and that I have to count out the five-minutes in my head .
12 No , because I thought wicked you know , I 've for Monday I get to bloody fucking lie in bed and then like I have to go to flipping school and bloody give it back .
13 Nowhere in particular I just want it to be the weekend so I can lie in bed .
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