Example sentences of "scheduled for may " in BNC.

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1 Parker , who brought Sherwood to the USM six years ago this month , will disclose plans for a full quote scheduled for May .
2 This year the final is scheduled for May 9 — only three days after the planned replay date for the Rumbelows Cup final .
3 Consisting of the T7525 codec , the V32INTFC data pump interface chip , and the DSP16A coded for V.32 modulation , the set goes into sample production this month , with volume scheduled for May .
4 Data General Corp is finding the transition to open systems at a time of recession extremely painful with a second quarter loss of $55m after a $48m charge for another 1,000 lay-offs : turnover was down 14% at $274m , in part because the sale of the Japanese subsidiary cut volume by $19m ; the company blamed the disappointing results on competitive pricing pressures , which have cut profits , as well as the weak worldwide economy ; the company says it continues to be very cautious about the remainder of 1992 ; AViiON sales continue to grow , but ‘ we are not satisfied with overall revenues , ’ the company declared Electronic Data Systems Corp says its graphical design system now supports Hewlett-Packard 's series 700 workstations : first deliveries are scheduled for May .
5 A new Unix expo is on the drawing board , this one , borrowing from the original Comdex , is aimed at the reseller community : Unix Resellers , organized by Expoconsul International in Princeton , New Jersey , is scheduled for May 4–6 1993 at the Dallas Convention Centre .
6 The growth of criticism of Rhee led to speculation that he might seek to postpone the elections scheduled for May 1950 .
7 Originally scheduled for May .
8 Aung San Suu Kyi , the most prominent opposition figure in Myanma , was on Jan. 16 banned from taking part in general elections scheduled for May 1990. ln late December 1989 U Nu , a former Prime Minister , had also been banned from standing in the elections [ see p. 37123 ] .
9 In his speech on Jan. 30 at the BCP congress Mladenov invited the political opposition to participate in a transitional coalition government until the holding of free multiparty elections ( now scheduled for May ) .
10 In the same ballot , voters were given the unprecedented opportunity to choose the PL candidate for the presidential election scheduled for May 27 , 1990 .
11 Carlos Pizarro León-Gómez , 39 , the leader of the guerrilla April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) and its presidential candidate in the elections scheduled for May 27 , was shot dead by a contract killer on April 26 while on board a commercial flight from the capital Bogotá to the northern Caribbean port of Barranquilla where he was to address an election rally .
12 Ahead of the vote for Supreme Soviet Chairman scheduled for May 26 a total of 13 candidates were formally nominated , including Yeltsin and Vlasov , but on May 25 Vlasov unexpectedly withdrew his candidacy , as did all but three of the nominees .
13 United States Secretary of State James Baker held talks in Moscow with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze on May 16-19 to prepare for the summit between their respective Presidents scheduled for May 30-June 3 .
14 The platform and socio-economic strategy were published on Nov. 30 for public consultation before submission to the party 's seventh national congress , scheduled for May 1991 .
15 There was some indication that the congress , originally thought to have been scheduled for May , had been postponed until June .
16 The shipment had originally been scheduled for May — the first of some 10,000 tonnes of rice which the South had agreed to barter during 1991 — but had been delayed by US objections .
17 On Dec. 25 a 79-member national commission was created to determine the composition and agenda of a National Conference which was scheduled for May 1992 as the next step in the democratization process .
18 Elections to the Chamber of Citizens and to the Chamber of Republics , which together comprised the new Federal Assembly , were scheduled for May 31 .
19 In a speech during the budget debate in Parliament on April 23 State President F. W. de Klerk made new , more detailed constitutional proposals which the ruling National Party ( NP ) would table at a meeting of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) scheduled for May .
20 The full summer ministerial meeting scheduled for May 21 would review the position and policy for the remainder of the year .
21 The conference had been scheduled for May [ see pp. 38665-66 ] , and a government statement of May 8 emphasized that the government still had a " firm determination to hold the sovereign national conference " .
22 Despite several declarations by Djohar that the political timetable detailed at the end of the national conference [ see p. 38855 ] would be respected , the government announced the postponement of the constitutional referendum , scheduled for May 24 , until June 7 .
23 The resolution also threatened to exclude the Khmers Rouges from the general election scheduled for May 1993 , if voter registration had not been allowed to go ahead in Khmer Rouge areas by Jan. 31 , 1993 .
24 An institutional review visit was scheduled for May 1978 , and Hugh Glanville , newly-appointed from within the CNAA as Registrar for Institutional Reviews , had the job of making the arrangements .
25 In Phnom Penh she will have discussions with development workers to assess the situation in the country in the run-up to democratic elections scheduled for May 23 to May 28 .
26 — JOHN Davison 's European title challenge to Fabrice Benichou , scheduled for May 15 in France , is set to be put back a fortnight .
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