Example sentences of "confirmed this week " in BNC.

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1 However , that money did n't materialise and the county confirmed this week that the request for a loan has been refused .
2 The Home Office confirmed this week that the Bootle computer — a Prime 550-uses a software package called status .
3 Reed International confirmed this week that it was discussing the sale of its indirect 3.66% interest in BSkyB to Peardon , Chargeurs and Granada , the other three principal shareholders .
4 County councillors confirmed this week that the homes will close , blaming competition from private homes , vacant places and the amount of investment needed in council homes .
5 Durham county councillors confirmed this week that the homes would close , blaming competition from private homes , vacant places , and investment needed on council homes .
6 All six in-patient beds will be available in Darlington 's new leukaemia unit as soon as it opens , hospital officials confirmed this week .
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