Example sentences of "doing [pron] but " in BNC.

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1 Oban was a different kind of noise and fat bare-armed people wearing far too much white and doing nothing but staring .
2 Growing out of childhood involves a great many major changes , so it is not surprising if teenagers seem totally self-absorbed and may sit for hours apparently doing nothing but day-dreaming .
3 ‘ I imagined my father sitting in this enormous building doing nothing but taking off his socks and putting them on again .
4 This favourite phrase of hers , meaning uninformed opinion , seemed to underline her contempt for the situation in which I had placed myself : the young , married woman , abdicating intellectual effort , doing nothing but washing and cleaning and caring for her baby .
5 Still , Will had driven from his Stockport home for the twin purposes of getting some exercise and talking about his book , and neither he nor I fancied a day in sad cafe ambience doing nothing but the latter .
6 The influx of new citizens from Russia may be exacerbating the friction in the settlements being established in the Israeli-administered territories won from the country 's Arab neighbours in the various attacks on the country since 1948 , and it represents an exodus of skills that Russia can ill afford to lose , but it is doing nothing but good for the vibrant information technology sector of the Israeli economy .
7 I seem to be doing nothing but making lists of things that need fixing . ’
8 It had been bad enough lying to Piers , leaving him because she knew that she had to , however much she disliked it , but to while away her time here , doing nothing but mulling over past events , was a recipe for misery .
9 The SE was doing nothing but loops .
10 Then you can spend all day doing nothing but enjoying every minute of the Sabbath with those you love .
11 ‘ The Lords were all gentry , born into the peerage and spent all their life doing nothing but playing sport and climbing mountains . ’
12 But when you 've got people stood behind a desk and serving you and doing nothing but serving you as you come .
13 I know Mr used to go up there cos he was still at school then and he used to go up there cos he was doing nothing but whether he he wants her to get a job , well he .
14 Council clerk Audrey Twyman said : ‘ He had a lovely time , doing everything but what we wanted him to do .
15 I never imagined myself doing anything but acting , ’ she says with a wide grin and then breaks in to a quick burst of singing : ‘ There 's no business like show business … ’
16 Any man who 's fool enough to believe that a model 's doing anything but her job on the catwalk — ’ His laughter stopped her in mid-sentence .
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