Example sentences of "nowhere [prep] be see " in BNC.

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1 The songs on Lovesexy are fullbodied , throbbing , for sure , but the unnatural excitation of tissue , the swelling and the morbid flush that characterize Prince 's peaks , are nowhere to be seen .
2 But the Labour Party is still nowhere to be seen .
3 Gazzer was nowhere to be seen .
4 Buyers were nowhere to be seen .
5 Her husband was nowhere to be seen .
6 Woolridge was nowhere to be seen .
7 The detective was nowhere to be seen .
8 When war did come on Bank Holiday Saturday — 4th August — young Kenny was nowhere to be seen , but John was in his same position , shouting loudly to the crowd as usual .
9 Mudskippers nowhere to be seen , but will probably come back through the catfish flap later .
10 Willie had looked around for the twins and George , but they were nowhere to be seen .
11 Euclid was nowhere to be seen .
12 Traditional Irish combativeness was nowhere to be seen as they allowed Robert Jones and his back row to steer Wales out of the doldrums .
13 I turned to look back once but Mum was nowhere to be seen .
14 She had come the other way to the school , and was parked by the road , now , increasingly fretful that the two boys were nowhere to be seen .
15 The cyclist was nowhere to be seen .
16 The passenger was nowhere to be seen .
17 ‘ The African guide was nowhere to be seen so Slash picked up the guy 's rifle and began firing into the air , trying desperately to scare the elephants away , ’ said another friend of the star .
18 But it is Jonny who is the driving force , the black leather jacket may have gone , the cowboy boots were nowhere to be seen yesterday , but the earring is still in place and so is the intensity which stunned Cambridge two years ago .
19 November often brings the odd day of mist and when the conditions are foggy , I often ca n't see the point in a tough hill walk when the expansive views of other months are nowhere to be seen .
20 The mysterious Twins were nowhere to be seen .
21 A small number of distinctive areas may be identified , but the functional sub-units that are the stuff of modem physiological psychology are nowhere to be seen .
22 I told the little sods to get their dad , but as usual he ai n't nowhere to be seen . ’
23 When he finally turned into Brunel Road and stopped to catch his breath the others were nowhere to be seen .
24 And the gunman was nowhere to be seen .
25 He glanced over his shoulder again , and discovered that the two men were nowhere to be seen — it had been nothing more than his imagination .
26 But Fiver was nowhere to be seen and Hazel was afraid to ask for him , in case to do so should seem like weakness and a need for comfort .
27 Wickrithe was only two hours away by car , and every so often they drove down to spend an afternoon with Gran ; but usually Adam was nowhere to be seen .
28 Nowhere to be seen .
29 The other divers were nowhere to be seen at this time , which made for an extremely dangerous situation in the open ocean .
30 She looked round for Leo , but he was nowhere to be seen .
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