Example sentences of "plenty of [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 A long garden with plenty of tall shrubs and bushes means plenty of cover for an attacker to hide there and surprise you on your night-time walk to the front door .
2 At Cadger Bank , the hill which leads to the remote alley where the attack took place , there is plenty of cover for a rapist to hide .
3 It would soothe away the worries that ached in his head , even on this hazy gold morning of early September , with a fine harvest coming and plenty of work for the young men in the new town .
4 Trading statements and bid situations continued to provide plenty of work for analysts and recent buoyant sectors like properties , insurances , and stores ran into profit-taking .
5 Trading statements and bid situations continued to provide plenty of work for analysts and recent buoyant sectors like properties , insurances , and stores ran into profit-taking .
6 Orrell have Morris , England 's scrum-half , in full battle order , which should mean plenty of work for Emeruwa , White , who will be on the open side , and Ryan , the acting captain , at No 8 .
7 There was plenty of work for us at Lerwick harbour and around Bressay Sound at the new oil bases , some of which were already operating .
8 Most of my summers were spent with Venturous in Scotland where there was still plenty of work for us .
9 Then there was plenty of work for them but then when the erm , the one man buses really got going and they introduced the night safe on the buses , the ticket office was cut drastically , they did n't need to have all this information .
10 We 'd have plenty of work for them you see .
11 But however I suppose it but it takes it 's like everything else but it 's a dead it really is a trade er Graham was saying to m to me when I was down in London , he says , It 's a pity mum that you could n't get work you know , I mean , you just did n't have the you know , your age and that to start work down here , he says , there 'd be plenty of work for you .
12 So if he thinks that Colin do have six working for him , and he 's got enough work for six , then surely there 's gon na be plenty of work for two of 'em .
13 Well , I 'll think there should be plenty of work for him , he 's quite .
14 And while Hendrie has plenty of sympathy for the Wimbledon midfielder , ending Boro 's 10-match run without a win takes precedence this afternoon .
15 There is plenty of evidence for this impression of ‘ hardness ’ throughout Wordsworth 's life , frequently related to us by London ‘ witlings ’ whose smooth sophistication he was not likely to suffer gladly .
16 There is plenty of evidence for the planting of new vineyards in the Bordelais and even a Poitevin was prepared to admit that Bordeaux wine was of superb quality , but at this date by far the most important wine-exporting region was further north , in Aunis and Saintonge .
17 Plenty of evidence for the misbehaviour of , in this case , a very substantial minority ( have you ever , like me , driven at 30 in a 30mph zone and been constantly overtaken , even glared at for going too slowly ? ) ; yet this is never put forward as a reson for stopping road construction .
18 Certain types of taxation also continued : the seventh century boasts plenty of evidence for tolls of various kinds , which will be considered in chapter 12 .
19 There 's plenty of hay for a bed .
20 Remembering a scratch match played in 1879 , which had provided plenty of fun for both players and spectators , Bill Lister had an idea : ‘ Thinks I ta meself , if nobbut t' tradesmen cud be gotten together to play a match once a year , ah 'm sewer it wod goa , an' 'specially if it war ta tak' place at t' feast . ’
21 The best turned-out class provides plenty of opportunity for diversification .
22 There is plenty of opportunity for the general sense of ambiguity discussed above to manifest itself at the level of individual projects .
23 The BBC cameras will concentrate on the games at Basingstoke and Whitley Bay , but there is plenty of opportunity for non-League rejoicing elsewhere .
24 Large intelligence organisations are very hierarchically structured , affording plenty of opportunity for individual empire-building and internecine jealousies , all of which waste an enormous amount of time and effort , sow the seeds of discontent and distrust and frequently obscure and distort the important issues .
25 Plenty of opportunity for instrumentalists and singers with JOHN BRYAN .
26 If anyone had been there , thought Dalgliesh , there was plenty of opportunity for concealment behind the hunks of concrete or in the crevices of the sandy cliff .
27 If the groom had been there for over two years , he must have had plenty of opportunity for revenge on Tamar , if that had been his motive .
28 There is plenty of opportunity for practice , and summer sketching parties beckon those who prefer not to be studio-bound in the warmer months .
29 In theory , customs and excise appointments were made by the boards of commissioners in Edinburgh , but the fact that the commissioners ' recommendations had subsequently to be confirmed by the Treasury in London allowed plenty of opportunity for political intervention .
30 This week in bed has given me plenty of opportunity for thought or , to be more exact , time to dream — thought is too impressive a work .
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