Example sentences of "accompany me to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The friends accompany me to the jetty .
2 My mother insisted on accompanying me to the tailor to ensure that I got something sensible .
3 ‘ Obviously we have to move fast , so I want you to accompany me to a dinner that the developers are giving tonight .
4 Perhaps you will be so good as to tell your guards to accompany me to the foot of the hill ? "
5 She agreed to accompany me to the building society the next day so that we could withdraw Charlie 's share of the money .
6 One day both parents accompanied me to a fund-raising luncheon at the Savoy , an afternoon rehearsal , tea at the house of an old friend in Twickenham by the river , the recording of a TV show in which I appeared in front of a live audience , and supper in a lovely restaurant with the cast .
7 After our interview , he accompanied me to the door .
8 He met me after school and accompanied me to the newly opened branch of Smith 's in Churchill Square .
9 As before , a guard accompanied me to the barracks ; but this time , on the way back , we met two officers : it was exactly what I had hoped for .
10 Then Araminta may accompany me to the sands . ’
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