Example sentences of "accuse [pron] of have " in BNC.

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1 Then , at the beginning of September , Prime Minister Giral was forced to resign by intense pressure from the Socialist and Communist Parties , whose leaders bitterly criticized what they saw as the Left Republicans ' incompetent handling of the Republican war effort , accusing them of having lost control of the situation .
2 When I made a television documentary that concluded that there was no evidence for nuclear fusion products , I received a letter from Martin Fleischmann alleging that there was a warrant issued in Utah for the arrest of the film crew , accusing me of having gained ‘ illegal access to the National Cold Fusion Institute ’ and of being a media person masquerading as a scientist .
3 ‘ He chose that moment to accuse me of having someone else . ’
4 Leopold went on to point out the obvious flaws in Wolfgang 's proposal to get an unknown 16-year-old singer accepted in Italy — the graveyard of many an aspiring career — and to accuse him of having betrayed his father 's trust .
5 ‘ You did n't accuse me of having an affair with him then , so why now ? ’
6 No-one could accuse him of having a truly awful game at Windsor but we still await the ‘ big one ’ from Michael on Ulster soil .
7 Because once the vigorous discussion , rarely does anyone sit and accuse us of having had clearly party political discussions , we had a job of work to do and as a result of that job of work is in front of you now in items one and two .
8 I am grateful to the hon. Member for Eccles ( Miss Lestor ) for having tabled the question , which otherwise the Opposition might have accused me of having planted .
9 And to think that once she had accused him of having a shard of ice in his heart — some wound from previous love affairs that prevented him from ever revealing his real feelings to any woman .
10 For , unlike Jake , Douglas had never accused her of having cheated Ryan out of his fortune — in spite of the fact that , like the rest of the family , he had never known the tragic truth about his son .
11 Try coping with a party of underprivileged schoolchildren from a housing estate in Manchester with a near-hysterical social worker , a ghetto blaster and some crisp bags to sniff glue , two glum shaven-headed squaddies with flatulence , and a computer programmer from Maidstone who wants to tell you about why his promotion fell through , and then with one eye twitching , accuses you of having stolen his processed cheese .
12 The Aquino government accuses him of having stolen up to US$10bn ( £6.1bn ) from the country during his reign .
13 My mum was really upset because he was accusing her of having an affair with another man .
14 Freeman was particularly out to demolish Mead 's suggestion ( 1928 ) that Samoan society is characterized by values emphasizing uninhibited playfulness and peaceful co-existence , accusing her of having misunderstood Samoan society .
15 He was also extremely suspicious of Mosley 's first wife , Cynthia Curzon , accusing her of having Jewish blood in her veins .
16 He was accusing her of having the morals of an alleycat again , and she was tired of it .
17 The IRA statement of responsibility had incorrectly named another man , the brother of a well-known Belfast republican , as the victim of the shooting , accusing him of having a bizarre paramilitary career stretching for more than a decade .
18 Now , six months after an American biographer , Donald Spoto , did a hatchet job on Olivier , accusing him of having a homosexual affair with Danny Kaye , the key is to be removed from its resting place .
19 ‘ Are you accusing him of having a hand in my son 's death ? ’
20 She stood there , in front of him , swinging the scarf in her right hand , accusing him of having failed to strangle her .
21 Although the speech was praised by white politicians and some black leaders , several radical blacks criticized the mayor , accusing him of having betrayed his black constituents .
22 The case arose from a magazine article accusing him of having revealed details of President Kurt Waldheim 's alleged Nazi past to an SPÖ conference in October 1985 .
23 Accusing him of having " cruelly deceived " the Soviet people and of having reduced " this great powerful country " to the level of " holding out its hands for alms " , she told Gorbachev : " You bring in your wake destruction , ruin , famine , cold , blood and tears . "
24 On Jan. 14 Saddam Hussein also denounced King Fahd of Saudi Arabia , accusing him of having " aborted " earlier opportunities of " serious dialogue " .
25 It always amuses me when Liberal Democrats accuse me of having a ministerial career .
26 ‘ And you accuse me of having an oversized ego ?
27 In an interview in The Washington Post published on May 30 , Barry admitted having smoked crack but blamed the federal authorities for having led him on and accused them of having tried to " kill " him by allowing him to consume the illegal drug .
28 After another term , I was given more art , and my class-room became an unofficial art room , much to the distress of the caretaker , who accused me of having the dirtiest class-room in the school !
29 ‘ Except that you were right when you once accused me of having a personal prejudice .
30 ‘ You accused me of having a lover and I chose not to deny it . ’
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