Example sentences of "estimate that [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The study estimated that of the revised total 300,000 were Polish Jews and 145,000 were Polish non-Jews .
2 Allied Provincial 's David Shaw said Phonelink estimated that over the coming year , it would need at least £5m to set up a second production site , to buy more data engines and to fund research and development work .
3 One observer estimated that between the east and the west — that is , between the old Russian provinces and the old German provinces of partitioned Poland — there existed a socio-economic gap of experience and development of 50–100 years .
4 As far as the contribution of the residual factors is concerned , Denison estimated that for the period 1929–57 , economies of scale at the national and local level accounted for 0.35 per cent and advances in knowledge for 0.58 per cent .
5 Le Monde of June 9-10 estimated that in the 50 major , policy-determining laws of the 270 passed during Rocard 's term as Prime Minister , Rocard had relied on the support of the right and centre nearly three times as often as he relied on the PCF .
6 The ICRC estimated that in the town of Iscia Baidoa , 220 km north-west of Mogadishu , 7,000 of the town 's 40,000 people had died from starvation in recent months .
7 Gramlich and Galper ( 1973 ) estimated that in the USA an additional $1 of unconditional aid to state and local governments induced , on average , a $0·43 increase in spending .
8 The World Bank 's World Debt Tables , published on Dec. 19 , estimated that by the end of the year lenders would in 1990 have committed some $9,000 million in net new lending to borrowers — the amount by which total lending and investment aid exceeded the total paid to lenders in capital repayments , interest and profits .
9 Dr Anne Kussmaul has estimated that between the fifteenth and the nineteenth centuries about 60 per cent of the population aged between 15 and 24 were farm servants and that between a third and a half of the country 's hired labour force was supplied in this way .
10 The small scale of its activities was always mentioned : it was estimated that of the 30,000 boys who annually left London elementary schools , not more than 2% came under its influence and that of similar organizations .
11 Using the most fundamental measure of poverty , the " breadline " , Professor Hay has estimated that over the years 1760 to 1802 in a normal year around 10 per cent of Staffordshire families would have been unable to buy sufficient bread over the year even if they had spent their whole earnings on it .
12 It was estimated that during the strike the workers had lost R45,000,000 in wages and damage to SATS property was believed to have cost R38,500,000 .
13 It has been estimated that during the last forty years of the seventeenth century between 100,000 and 150,000 people crossed the Atlantic Ocean to start a new life in America .
14 It is estimated that by the end of the century only about half of all British children will experience conventional family lives — parents married at the time they are born and continuing married until they are grown up ( Kiernan & Wicks , 1990 )
15 It is estimated that by the first decade of next century , only 20 per cent of the peat soils now present on the 561 square kilometres marked by the soil map of the Ely district will remain .
16 In the US it has been estimated that by the year 2000 , three-quarters of all government transactions will be undertaken electronically ( Taking a Byte Out … 1991 , 2 ) .
17 Myers has estimated that by the end of the century , at present rates , there will be only two relict blocks : western Brazilian Amazonia and Zaire , with smaller ones in New Guinea and the Guyana Shield of South America , but that these are unlikely to last beyond 2050 because of cultivation as , for example , the population in Rondonia in south Brazilian Amazonia increased from 1100 in 1975 to well over a million by 1986 , with an increase in cultivation from 1250km 2 to 10000 in 1982 and 17000 in 1986 .
18 It has been estimated that in the years 1877–1904 70 per cent of Pomeranian farmland was held in large estates and only 30 per cent in peasant smallholdings of various kinds : about two-thirds of Pomeranian farmers were smallholders living in the most appalling poverty ; their assets were non-existent or too small for them to think of trekking westwards to look for factory work ; they were too poor to pay cash for their land , and too impoverished for any bank to risk giving them a loan .
19 It is estimated that in the years 1896–1913 German landholdings declined by over 98,000 hectares , 20,000 of which were in and around Danzig .
20 It has been estimated that in the UK in 1981 about 54 per cent of married women aged 15–44 wanted no more births .
21 In 1990 it was estimated that in the United Kingdom there were 318000 people in residential homes , including 126000 in nursing homes .
22 It is further estimated that in the majority of such accidents speed is a contributory factor .
23 It has been estimated that in the early years of civil registration in some parts of England up to 15 per cent of births were not registered .
24 It has been estimated that in the early 1980s there were 240–300 million people involved in shifting cultivation who occupied perhaps half of the total tropical land surface .
25 It is difficult to assess the number of garbage pickers , because this fluctuates seasonally and because they are not really enumerated in official statistics , but Birkbeck estimates that at the time of the study , there were between 1,200 and 1,700 garbage pickers in Cali .
26 The Department of Energy estimates that by the year 2000 , 1.6 million tonnes of straw could be providing energy on farms and for industry .
27 It estimates that by the year 2005 , 8 per cent of the UK 's surface area and 4 per cent of Scottish fresh water will be suffering damage from acid rain .
28 Since then production has started to climb back and the government now estimates that in the last three months , the economy grew by nought point six percent .
29 Taking account of actual levels of local government spending for the two years , we estimate that without the uniform business rate businesses would have paid £1 billion more in 1990-91 and £850 million more in 1991-92 .
30 We estimate that for the United Kingdom , in 1991-92 , some 230,000 non-pensioners with gross incomes below £10,000 a year would have to pay national insurance contributions on their income from savings .
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