Example sentences of "fear [pers pn] might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I crammed my mouth with for fear I might give utterance to my anger .
2 There is usually a formal system of discounts , for advertisers spending over a certain level with the station , and perhaps even for early booking , and whenever a station has time to sell which it fears it might fail to dispose of it is possible for the buyer to negotiate on the price .
3 Less than half of the 140 pupils at a nearby primary school were in class yesterday and it was feared they might have perished .
4 He had feared he might choke when she stuffed chunks of it into his mouth and held him down , her hand sealing his lips , until he swallowed .
5 We know very little of these early years , beyond that it was a family of privilege , untouched by the economic scourge that surrounded it , though Nathan Cohen must frequently have feared it might touch them , too — not least when he was blessed with a much hoped-for son , whom he named Leonard Norman .
6 So some academics fear they might fall behind in the promotion race if they get involved with TCS . ’
7 So some academics fear they might fall behind in the promotion race if they get involved with TCS . ’
8 I thought it would be up to seven weeks after my back operation before I was playing again , and I feared I might miss the first month of the season . ’
9 Her heart was so strongly on the side of his that she feared she might give way .
10 As though he feared she might break , Isabel thought wonderingly .
11 The momentary lapse gave Donna time to edge away and she pressed so hard on the accelerator she feared she might shove her foot through the very floor of the car .
12 The now familiar palpitating flutter in her heart made itself felt and the blood drummed unpleasantly in her head so that she feared she might lose her senses .
13 My nerves were really on edge when the time came round to try her , because I feared she might have lapsed , forgotten how to fly to me .
14 Mrs Linley , who has waited more than a year to swap her previous house in Trafford Close for a larger property , feared she might have to replace the lock herself .
15 The work has been quite hard , actually little short of the 24 hours ' teaching a week which I originally feared we might have to teach , but it 's a pity not to offer the course as we prepared it in Peking , complete with extra lectures , as there seems to be a great demand for anything we teach , which is understandable considering that it 's a chance of a lifetime for some of the teachers ; in fact , some have never spoken to a foreigner in their lives before !
16 In his wake were two older men in crumpled uniforms , unshaven clumsy fellows , carrying their rifles gingerly as if they feared they might go off unexpectedly .
17 Donna feared they might remain unanswered forever .
18 His comments were guarded , as if he feared they might incriminate him .
19 A quiet , unassuming man , Geoffrey Thomas indulged a great fondness for nature and wildlife in the countryside around his house in Kent , and read so voraciously that his wife feared they might have to move house to gain access to a new public library .
20 While the move will reassure metropolitan-minded trademark agents — who feared they might have ended up dealing with an office in Wales — it will create some problems .
21 For the most part , a kinsman asked to give aid in a dispute did not have to fear he might lose his life ; peaces were easier to make in a society which also had Peace .
22 He feared it might end up in deep humiliation .
23 The renewal in 1960 provoked a major political crisis and a storm of protest throughout Japan , not only from those opposed to the treaty per se , but from those who feared it might encourage Japanese rearmament and the placing of nuclear weapons on Japanese soil .
24 She snatched her hand away from his as if she feared he might contaminate her and stalked ahead of him , not trusting herself to speak until they were inside her apartment .
25 To my shame , I even feared he might act the hardened campaigner — miles gloriosus .
26 On the death of his wife Lambarde feared he might lose the right to stay at Halling and petitioned a request to Lord Burghley through his friend Lord Cobham , to ask for custody of Maximilian and a lease to the Palace , which was granted a few days later .
27 And I 'd sure see you had a lovely time , ’ he went on with almost too much intensity in his voice , so that he feared he might have frightened her off .
28 ‘ His arm was hanging limply and I feared he might have lost it altogether .
29 She feared he might have an attack , apoplectic , so high his colour , so great his anger .
30 Charles feared he might have to prompt again .
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