Example sentences of "elect for four [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Each council 's elected for four years , but councils are n't all elected at the same time .
2 The President is elected for four years , but members of the House of Representatives have to face election every two years , while a senator is elected for six years .
3 The federal government of the United States of America embodies a separation of powers between the executive ( which is headed by a President elected for four years , at present a Republican ) , the legislative branch ( Congress , which comprises a Senate of 100 members and a House of Representatives of 435 members , both of which are at present controlled by the Democratic Party ) and the judicial branch ( headed by the Supreme Court ) .
4 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral Parliament , the 46 members of which are elected for four years on the basis of universal adult franchise .
5 The federal government of the United States of America embodies a separation of powers between the executive , headed by a President elected for four years , the legislative branch , Congress , which comprises the Senate ( with 100 members who sit for six years , one-third being elected every two years ) and the House of Representatives ( with 435 members elected every two years ) , and the judicial branch , headed by the Supreme Court .
6 Federal authority is vested in a President who is elected by the 14-member federal legislature , the National Congress , which is composed of 10 senators elected for two-year terms , and four at-large senators ( one from each state ) who are elected for four years .
7 Legislative power resides in a 33-member legislature ( the Nitijela ) , which is elected for four years and which chooses a President from among its members .
8 The legislature ( Fono ) consists of an 18-member Senate elected for four years by Matai ( traditional clan leaders ) , and a popularly elected House of Representatives elected for two years .
9 Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral Parliament , the 46 members of which are elected for four years on the basis of universal adult franchise .
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