Example sentences of "opening [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was during the filming of the opening titles for the last ‘ Marti ’ series for the B.B.C. Dressed in a red chiffon evening gown , high heels and lead-weighted knickers , I had to sit on a rock at the bottom of a tank full of sharks , smiling and brushing my hair , while Duncan swam past with a plywood plaice bearing the immortal words ‘ End of Part One ’ ( it could have been the end of several parts ! ) .
2 But Scarborough had been an urgent Fourth Division yard and a sturdy tackle better from the opening minutes of the second leg , when Dave Beasant had needed to stretch twice to low drives .
3 And Jones , in a frank interview on the video , describes why he clumped Liverpool star Steve McMahon in the opening minutes of the 1988 FA Cup against Liverpool at Wembley .
4 It is understandable that leases of premises in shopping centres may contain restrictions on the opening hours of the premises either because of centralised heating and other services or because the main gates to the centre , or to the servicing facilities , are closed .
5 1 Common parts The right for the Tenant and all persons expressly or by implication authorised by the Tenant ( in common with the Landlord and all other persons having a like right ) to use the Common Parts for all proper purposes in connection with the use and enjoyment of the Premises provided that the Landlord shall not be obliged to keep the malls and other pedestrian ways open [ to the general public ] earlier than [ one hour ] before the Shop Opening Hours or later than [ one hour ] after the Shop Opening Hours It will be for the landlord and the tenant to negotiate shop opening hours at the commencement of the term and which from the tenant 's point of view should be sufficient for the tenant to carry on its normal trade and business .
6 Members are reminded that the Banks sold Extended Opening Hours to the Labour Court on the basis of significant additional jobs , to such an extent that the Court , in its Recommendation 13601 states as follows :
7 In addition to the improved information and guidance systems that we have already set up , there will be much more flexible opening hours in the case of tax offices , benefits offices and employment service offices , and a much more detailed and personal service for the taxpayer , who has the cost of those services compulsorily extracted in taxes from his or her pocket .
8 On both his opening outings in the Foursomes he had lost but in the singles like Christy O'Connor Jnr and Jose Maria Canizares behind him he was to produce the goods .
9 HIS HANDS hovered above the instrument , refusing to move , but the opening notes of the symphony came from the theremin .
10 You looked up the late opening times of the local pool but never got round to going .
11 If the fire drill procedure is being altered , or the opening times of the staff canteen are being extended , then a factual style is appropriate .
12 If economics had dominated the opening months of the Hinkley C Inquiry , then ironically this was not what concerned most objectors to the proposal .
13 It was particularly on the grounds of overcrowding and poor physical conditions that Nicaraguan prisons were severely criticized in the opening months of the new government .
14 These groups had deep historical roots in the opening months of the First World War , which had seen the renewal of the sources of criticism of the radical right against the Liberal government .
15 They came to office unsullied by royal service or political intrigue , and with the political principles and ideas of the schools fresh in their minds , but Stratford had won office by his service to the crown ; he was one of those who managed the early wool loans and spent the opening months of the French war recruiting allies and spies on the continent ; he may have resisted and condemned the malpractices of tax collectors , but he did not protest against royal taxation , burdensome as it was , before these crisis years .
16 It is appropriate that the worship of the eternal-maternal should be the subject of one of the opening images of the exhibition .
17 I love the opening words of the Magnificat : ‘ My soul magnifies the Lord , and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour ’ ( Luke 1.46–47 ) .
18 The opening words of the Brownie song flashed through her mind .
19 Each Gospel begins with a richly ornamented page in which the opening words of the text are submerged by the decoration .
20 The opening words of the angel form the beginning of the prayer called the ‘ Hail Mary ’ .
21 Together with the customary songs , choruses , and ‘ symphonies ’ , they introduce somewhat primitive recitative , e.g. Irene 's opening words in The Triumph of Peace : Incidentally Irene was sung by a tenor : Nicholas Lanier .
22 The third stage came seemingly early in 1839 , when this new analogy prompted a further revision to the opening steps of the overall argumentation .
23 The second theme that interests me is implicit in the opening paragraphs of the third of the published papers , ‘ Grounds of Validity of the Laws of Logic ’ .
24 In this work of at least twenty years ' duration Cregeen was encouraged and assisted by the Revd John Edward Harrison ( 1784–1858 ) , vicar of Jurby , whose hand has been detected in the preface and the opening paragraphs of the grammar .
25 Just how complicated a problem this may turn out to be is indicated by the following quotations from the opening paragraphs of the first two chapters of Christine Hugh-Jones ' very remarkable book From the Milk River , which is a study of Pira-pirana Indians living in the Vaupes region of Colombia , as viewed from the perspective of the inhabitants of a single longhouse community in which she and her husband resided for two years between September 1968 and December 1970 :
26 The opening descriptions in the livret of Les nopces de village appear to suggest a similar procession , which could have occurred during the overture , a binary movement in triple metre that precedes the reçit in the musical sources .
27 And yesterday the princess 's lower lip trembled and she nervously turned away as Sebastian sang the poignant opening lines of the 1989 hit , Right Here Waiting For You .
28 The famous opening lines of The Go Between express this adult sense of a lost identity : ‘ The past is a different country : they do things differently there ’ .
29 In all of this giving away of herself ( which can be taken in two modern senses ) , this revelation of a coarser character beneath the courtly exterior she tries to sustain , Margery follows the movement of the opening stanzas of the text down from the character of the courtly dame to the level of the townswoman , a stereotyped bourgeois Vxor , " Wife " : the label that seems to be given her by the letter " " V " alongside some of her speeches in the manuscript copy of Dame Sirith .
30 The reference to a single currency in the opening articles of the draft treaty is explicitly qualified by the reference to the procedures set out therein , and those procedures include the right to opt for exemption status .
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