Example sentences of "partly [conj] of [art] " in BNC.

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31 This is partly because we need to understand and classify the vast amounts of pottery recovered from excavations at archaeological sites , and partly because of the high success rate of such analytical projects .
32 Organisms differ , partly because of the varying impact of the environment in their lifetime ( ‘ nurture ’ ) , and partly because of differences between the genes present in the fertilized eggs from which they developed ( ‘ nature ’ ) .
33 We knew we would get a big loss this year partly because of the cost of the changes we have made .
34 Many gardeners — and visitors — are getting younger , partly because of the current ecological obsession and also because gardens are often seen as an extension of the living room .
35 There , contrary to expectation , primary schools are of the two to three teacher type even in the heavily populated Punjab province , partly because of the village concept of life and partly because the community structure makes this the best and perhaps the only acceptable form of organisation .
36 Partly because of the lack of predators , many island birds have lost the ability to fly ; after all , flying requires enormous energy , and on islands , those that do take to the air could in theory be blown out to sea .
37 This matter is important partly because of the particular status in religious thought of ideas that God 's existence can be ‘ proved ’ .
38 I shall therefore look more closely at their teachings , partly because of the ecumenical value of an awareness of their doctrine , but mainly because we can thereby focus much more clearly upon what religions mean by ‘ God ’ .
39 This was partly because of the fantasies in which most of the parties in Lebanon found it convenient to indulge .
40 This is partly because of the tight political control exercised by the state , but also because in Syria refugees have always enjoyed equal rights with Syrian citizens while maintaining their own identity .
41 This was partly because of the idea of national unity between Muslim and Christian Palestinians , but also because the Muslim dimension was masked during the heyday of Arab nationalism , from the 1950s until the mid-1970s .
42 Its importance in soil conservation practice is world-wide partly because much of the international literature on the subject in popular and scientific journals is written by Americans , and partly because of the American foreign aid programme in which conservation plays an important part .
43 Bottles and bed-pans are not really practical , partly because of the difficulty of positioning the patient properly to avoid increasing his spasticity , and partly because of the risk of unpleasant spillages .
44 Bottles and bed-pans are not really practical , partly because of the difficulty of positioning the patient properly to avoid increasing his spasticity , and partly because of the risk of unpleasant spillages .
45 Partly because of the earlier bitterness of the battle over comprehensive reorganization , more because in the new artificially contrived areas ( such as ‘ Humberside ’ , ‘ Avon ’ , ‘ Kirklees ’ , and ‘ Thamesdown ’ ) there was no tradition and no sense of local needs , political alignments became overwhelmingly important .
46 This is partly because of the need to make the publications truly publicly available — thus satisfying the legal requirement — and partly because their producers do not normally have any financial or other incentive to make them available online .
47 The whole thing got out of hand , partly because of the ill chance that no fewer than three people who knew the real Louise Müller converged upon Vienna at the same time : her sister , myself , and the young French officer who replaced me in her affections . ’
48 Partly arising from this , and partly because of the lack of difference found between many predator species , the crude measure of skeletal element proportions is not diagnostic , although it can still provide an approximation of the overall structure of the bone assemblage .
49 This degree of modification comes about partly because of the greater degree of digestion in mammalian carnivores compared with the regurgitated remains from avian predators , and partly because of their use of teeth to break up prey before digestion .
50 He had immense difficulties to overcome , partly because of the average Englishman 's prejudice against foreigners ( especially perhaps the French ) and partly because of the then prejudice of society against a science — veterinary medicine — which was not yet established as respectable .
51 He had immense difficulties to overcome , partly because of the average Englishman 's prejudice against foreigners ( especially perhaps the French ) and partly because of the then prejudice of society against a science — veterinary medicine — which was not yet established as respectable .
52 The company chose Wrexham partly because of the generous financial aid available .
53 This is partly because of the great competition brought about by the flood of new records over the past two years which has prompted the major record companies to reissue at mid-price ( and sometimes in the bargain range ) many of the first generation of digital records made in the early 1980s .
54 some young people like the excitement of sniffing solvents , perhaps partly because of the element of danger
55 Perhaps more importantly , the government has backed away from declaring more UDCs partly because of the costs and adverse publicity but also because it can achieve its aim of driving local authorities into the arms of the private sector by other means .
56 The supply of carpenters in Scotland will not immediately increase : it takes time to acquire carpentry skills and existing carpenters in other parts of the UK may be reluctant to move away from their own area , partly because of the cost of the move and partly because they do not wish to leave their families and friends .
57 Relations between the two churches were often strained , partly because of the question of status of the various monks working in the area .
58 The illusion that the country was performing adequately persisted , however , well into the second half of this century — partly because the empire provided protected markets for products that were not good enough for the most advanced countries , partly because of the accident of victory in two world wars .
59 This is partly because of the purposes which it now serves ; it is the expected language in the education system , in other social institutions ( such as the courts and business ) and in almost all published writing , and it has also spread far beyond its historical base in Britain and is used as an international language in many parts of the world .
60 The proportion of pupils with statements varies widely across the country , partly because of the LEAs ' differing policies on ‘ statementing ’ , but overall stands at some 1.7 per cent of the total population of statutory school age , with just over a fifth of these in ordinary rather than special schools .
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