Example sentences of "ought to be made " in BNC.

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1 Garbett decided that no one after himself ought to be made to live in a château like Bishopthorpe .
2 Moreover , even at common law a lease which ought to be made by deed but is not will not completely fail of effect , if possession is taken and rent paid under it ; the tenant will be treated as tenant from year to year upon the terms of the lease so far as they are applicable to such a tenancy .
3 Such comparisons are always possible , and ought to be made , if the worse an to improve .
4 However , a number of comments and qualifications ought to be made .
5 I replied that if Seius Oceanus ( to whom the estate ought to be made over when he reached the age of sixteen , under trust under the will of Seius Saturninus by the trustee-heir Valerius Maximus ) died before he completed the set period of time , the estate under trust belongs to the person to whom the rest of his property will belong , since the trust vested during his lifetime , that is if by postponing the time for payment the testator would seem rather to have granted the trustee-heir custody than to have imposed an uncertain term on the trust .
6 Any horses that died in College went to ‘ old Cross ’ for salvage to reduce the charge to clients , and it was pleaded that a proper post-mortem examination ought to be made of all these animals .
7 The reason why changes ought to be made in language is to bring it into line with the way things really are .
8 In most primary schools certain teachers have , or can acquire , special strengths which ought to be made available , on a rational division of labour , to children outside their class and to their colleagues .
9 There is an alternative to either of these courses which may be worth considering and that is that the Government should take the line that they have come to the conclusion that , while some restriction ought to be made in the infliction of the death penalty , the time has not yet come for its complete abolition .
10 The sections in the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 which give justices ' courts power to adjourn are : section 5(1) , adjournment of an inquiry into an offence as examining justice ; section 10(1) , adjournment of the trial of an information ; section 18(4) , the power to adjourn proceedings under sections 19 to 23 of the Act , that is to say the procedure which has to be followed where the information charges the defendant with an offence triable either on indictment or summarily ; and section 30 , a duty to adjourn the case to enable a medical examination and report to be made where the court is satisfied that the accused did the act or made the omission charged but is of the opinion that inquiry ought to be made into his physical or mental condition .
11 If the defendant succeeds on either of these issues , there would , strictly , be an issue as to whether or not an order for rectification of the register , as against the building society , ought to be made .
12 If a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence is to be given the opportunity to make representation to the Secretary of State concerning the length of his tariff , as in my judgment he should be , then , for those representations to be effective , he ought to be made aware beforehand of the nature of the judge 's advice .
13 about necessarily taking it , but I think they certainly ought to be made aware of sort of what it involves and and what it really means .
14 They ought to be made to pick it up and eat it .
15 One of the best known approaches as to how decisions ought to be made is that of Simon , who developed the behaviour alternative model .
16 However , in general questions about control in management , some reference ought to be made to the increasing number of mathematical and other techniques which are now available to management in the execution of their planning and controlling activities .
17 The view of the hon. Member for South Down ( Mr. McGrady ) was that many things should be left as they are , but he accepted that savings could be made and changes ought to be made , although he did not explain how .
18 The prisoners themselves are often seen as failures , who ought to be made to support their families , though the system does little to help bring that about .
19 Some teachers did say that time ought to be made for SSE but many raised doubts about whether such time would be well spent .
20 When this is translated into personal terms , it means among other things that at some point in his or her career a teacher will have to look at its pattern and will have to pay attention to changes which ought to be made in his or her work-role .
21 Wulfstan simply says that warships ought to be made ready every year after Easter .
22 belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall-back position which Good has given , which they the trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but are feeling very much on surpluses , that the money is there first of all to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels , whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
23 erm I think that some sort of offer ought to be made .
24 I M P A Cs belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall back position which Good has given , which they they trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but our feeling very much on surplus is that the money is there first for to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
25 I think it ought to be made clear that the the voices that you can hear , or will be hearing in the next half an hour or so will be that of the television .
26 I do think when they 're caught , they are , to me it seems as if they ought to be made to clear up some graffiti and and realise what they 're doing because , I do n't think half the time , they realise the the upset they cause .
27 It 's the last place that cuts ought to be made .
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