Example sentences of "weapon with which [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the religious sphere the government was quite clearly using the Famine as a political weapon with which to subdue the Orthodox Church .
2 Passionate with indignation at the poverty and injustices which he daily met around him in the industrial north of Bradford , he sought , and was able to gain from , J.P.M. 's National Council of Labour Colleges , that knowledge which served him so well throughout his short working life , as a weapon with which to fight and change the capitalist system which tolerated and perpetuated such inhumane living conditions .
3 Under the Act is seems unlikely to be of paramount significance but dissatisfied parents who might otherwise feel impotent are given a weapon with which to fight back .
4 This legislation had been hailed as a powerful weapon with which to seize drug barons ' fortunes but up to May last year police and Customs investigators had only been able to confiscate £11 million .
5 The Chancellor of the Exchequer , Nigel Lawson , said he had one weapon with which to beat inflation : the interest rate .
6 The British approach of refusing to assert positive rights gives freedom no weapons with which to retaliate .
7 There they are busily ferreting away food , medical supplies and weapons with which to build a new world after the current one is reduced to a moist cinder .
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