Example sentences of "everybody [vb -s] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 He thinks everybody has the same blind will to succeed as himself .
2 Oh for a discipline in which everybody accepts the same facts , more or less , and students could get on with learning an agreed list .
3 The withdrawal from the world , the silence , the disciplines of community and the deliberate cult of monotony in a system where everybody wears the same clothes and does the same things day after day have been found to support the mystic during his frequently lonely journey , to earth him in reality and to wean him away from an excitement and drama that is inimical to the mystical experience .
4 Everybody gets the same .
5 Because it 's , it 's a service for everyone , as long as everybody gets the same
6 sometimes it gets overloaded , when everybody accesses the same
7 ‘ But everybody does the same thing , more or less .
8 everybody makes the same case
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