Example sentences of "limited [noun sg] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Our limited perception of time has difficulty in imagining events and cycles dating back just a hundred years , yet archaeologists have germinated and grown wheat from grains four thousand years old , discovered in the tombs of the Egyptian Pharaohs .
2 The producers who supervise Radio 1 sessions tend to be musicians who are used to coaxing good performances out of young bands in a limited period of time .
3 ‘ From the point of view of nationalist Ireland — a continuation of Maggie Thatcher in power , for a limited period of time , would be to our advantage …
4 The Unified Leadership ( UNLU ) claimed these ‘ are more than temporary committees which will operate for a limited period of time .
5 If you work under protest for a limited period of time , your attempts to resolve the dispute through negotiation prior to leaving should not jeopardise your right to claim that you have been constructively dismissed .
6 In the Berg judgment , Mr Justice Hobhouse considered the timing of Union Discount 's alleged reliance on the 1982 accounts : ‘ Furthermore , there would only be a limited period of time within which it would be reasonably foreseeable that a bank or discount house would rely upon a given set of audited accounts .
7 It seems clear that , with careful safeguards , we need some legal machinery , similar to the provision of Place of Safety Orders for children , by which an old person could be received into residential care for their own protection , at least for a limited period of time , which would afford a breathing space for all concerned and enable a proper assessment to be made of the situation — including the wishes of the old person once they were out of the violent or neglectful environment .
8 The printed edition would be issued in fascicles over a limited period of time .
9 Held : Upon an appeal by Mr Stone 's widow it was held that an occupier who intended to permit another person to enter and use the premises for a limited period of time had to give a clear indication to the other that the permission was subject to a time limit .
10 As we made clear in the previous chapter , its definition of temporary workers might well include people whose jobs are available on other than a temporary basis , but who only intend to stay in these jobs for a limited period of time .
11 A worker-directed study conducted in the mid-1970s considered as temporary workers all who had a job which was available only for a limited time and all who were themselves available for their jobs for only a limited period of time .
12 It could only be followed for a limited period of time .
13 Second , a striking difference between the NCRA and the block exemption is that the former provides no immunity from prosecution , while the latter rules out prosecution ( at least for certain types of agreements ) for a limited period of time .
14 If a group wittingly shares an attitude over a relevant issue but does so only for a limited period of time before falling into disarray , it would be difficult to refer to the group as an elite in any meaningful sense since the outcomes would be insignificant .
15 This will be the case where , for example , a minister stays in a government department for only a limited period of time .
16 The new modules have been developed for two groups of students : those returning to S5 for a limited period of time , and those who intend to complete a full year 's programme of study in S5 or S6 .
17 A presidential decree , reported in full in Rossiskaya gazeta of June 18 , allowed state enterprises which failed to pay their debts to the state and to private creditors within three months to be declared bankrupt and either liquidated or auctioned off to the highest bidder for a limited period of time for independent management ( the new managers to be treated as owners , but debarred from dismissing more than 30 per cent of the work force ) .
18 This appears to be subject to an exception where the licence was granted for a limited period of time and for a specific purpose .
19 The battle of the Catalaunian Plains was proof that the imperial policy could work , if only for a limited period of time .
20 ‘ I do n't believe in life after death because I do not believe in our limited concept of time . ’
21 Now what they , what they were supposed to do erm I never did know but there were quite a number of these er men who lived in this train and they had a lieutenant who 's quite a handsome chap by all accounts , he used to come into the office a chap named lieutenant and erm erm this was one of the things that landed on Joyce 's plant er plate and er she used to meet these Education Officers and arrange for courses and in the er in Lieutenant 's case of course there was er , instruction in English which erm erm Stanley who was a Headmaster of er Area School he undertook classes for these Polish chaps but er so often of course these erm , these units were only in the area for a limited space of time so you could n't arrange anything very , very comprehensive
22 The Justices of the Forest were for the most part important men who can have devoted a limited amount of time to their Forest duties .
23 The disadvantages are that although most auctions allow a viewing period before the bidding starts , you have only a limited amount of time to examine the rugs , and full payment must be made at the end of the auction .
24 Okay , well now , what I would like you to do please er because we 've only got a limited amount of time , er incidentally some of you still have n't divide collecting er a small group going with Peter I
25 Since intra-plate volcanicity is linked to effectively stationary sub-lithospheric thermal anomalies , there is only a limited amount of time available for a volcano to develop before plate motion removes it from its underlying region of crustal melting and source of magma generation ( Fig. 5.3 ) .
26 , I hope you 're not , well several interesting things have come out of there , it just shows the sort of thing about working under pressure , and the limited amount of time , erm , the limited amount of planning time for the managers certainly .
27 Or perhaps one might just narrow it a bit further than that and say well let's see how history is going in the first two years , or the O level history course , or something like that , and we would discuss well given that all these different people are involved in history or have a stake in it in some way , or are interested in it , and given that you 're only going to have a very limited amount of time to do anything in , how can you do something that would be genuinely useful to the school in looking at the history teaching and something that would have the support of the people involved so that it was n't threatening anybody but they felt there was something being genuinely helpful .
28 Some applications companies may also be enamoured by the possibility of using the NetWare Loadable Module to support demo licensing , which replaces ‘ cripple-ware ’ by a full copy of the application that will only run a limited number of times or for a limited length of time .
29 An SPR may only be passed on a limited number of times ; once this limit has been reached a user must be forced , by a privileged user , to accept the SPR .
30 An SPR may only be ‘ passed on ’ in this manner for a limited number of times .
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