Example sentences of "evident from his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Grierson was a West Highland Scot , as was immediately evident from his accent , an accent which he never attempted to conceal for the excellent reason that he saw no earthly reason why he ever should .
2 An indication as to what his position would logically have had to be , had he not held these false presuppositions , is evident from his discussion of the validity of baptism when administered by a woman .
3 Quite the opposite had been evident from his tone of voice .
4 It is evident from his will , written the day before his death , that Herringman 's hope was to keep his publishing business in the family .
5 Gassendi 's suspicion of the Aristotelian account is evident from his Exercises , and his study of Epicurean philosophy provided him with an alternative .
6 It is evident from his report that the temple was deliberately demolished and the bronze statues and internal fittings broken up , but the only comment on the date comes in a brief account of the discovery of a ‘ large number of bronze and iron objects including fragments of broken statuary ’ .
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