Example sentences of "amount [prep] only [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the arrangement was revealed two weeks ago he immediately became a member of staff and said the advantage had amounted to only £810 a year .
2 However , it would be unwise to rely on the initiatives of local authorities alone , because of the severe financial restrictions under which they operate ( I found out today for example that Edinburgh District Council 's ENTIRE budget for maintainance of paths and bridleways amounts to only £5,000 per year ) , but also because many routes of interest to cyclists coincide with trunk road routes , which are D o T responsibility .
3 The S.C.C. operates mainly on a grant from the CTC , but as this amounts to only £600 per annum our resources are extremely limited .
4 People who paid rates amounting to only £200 on a house now have to pay £1 , 200 in poll tax .
5 With five main players dividing up the RISC market , RISC processors still amount to only 5% of the overall volumes shipped , with Intel taking the rest .
6 With five main players dividing up the RISC market , RISC processors still amount to only 5% of the overall volumes shipped , with Intel taking the rest .
7 No money was committed to it , only six prosecutions have been brought and fines imposed to date amount to only £13,000 .
8 At this higher interest rate , total injections amount to only £10 million .
9 Jolleys reported 41% ( 343 ) of women of all ages having inappropriate leakage of urine , but in 232 ( 70% ) of these it amounted to only dampening of underwear .
10 The total amounted to only £418,700 — an average of less than £1,000 per conviction .
11 Private-sector credits in 1989 amounted to only $44,400 million , a much-diminished share of total lending , while " 48 per cent of total developing country long-term debt was held by official creditors , in contrast with 38 per cent at the start of the debt crisis " .
12 Although chronic diarrhoea ( defined by them as greater than 21 days duration ) occurred most frequently in this age group , this amounted to only 6% of cases — that is , 94% had diarrhoea which lasted for less than 21 days .
13 Issuance of Treasury bills therefore amounted to only £100 million per week , with the largest part of this taken up by the banking sector .
14 In Brazil , where the total net assets of state enterprises amount to about $40 billion , the assets of those privatised amounted to only $27 million ( Pfeffermann , 1988 : p. 15 ) .
15 Speyside , Orkney and Powys all had a 95% ownership figure but in North Wales and Wester Ross the land owned amounted to only 16% and 6% respectively .
16 A short while after this he received from the lawyers a letter stating that his inheritance from his mother amounted to only £30,000 .
17 The economies , however , still amounted to only £56 millions …
18 Although the Portuguese chemical output amounted to only ECU 42000m the industry was active in intra-EC trade , exporting some 13 per cent of its production .
19 Sales in the product 's first year of deliveries amounted to only $1m , a drop in the bucket for a firm that 's been through two rounds of venture capital totalling $7.5m provided by Aspen Partners , Menlo Ventures and Matrix .
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