Example sentences of "assure [pron] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We should be talking with them and going out of our way to assure them that we do not wish to engage in a price war .
2 Often , the counsellor will need to assure them that it is acceptable for them to grieve over their loneliness , their losses and bereavements , and to explore their feelings about life generally .
3 May I invite the Minister to come to Monmouth to discuss those problems with the farmers there , which will give him the opportunity to assure them that he is seeking to protect their interests ?
4 I felt honoured by the kindness of one or two of your congregation , who happen to be members of the committee , in having written to assure me that I would receive a speedy and unanimous Call , if I would only consent to accept it .
5 When I read a novel the emotions aroused in me bring the experience of the events of the narrative into the present , but I am not likely to be misled into thinking it is actually happening for there are enough indicators in the environment to assure me that it is not .
6 He rang me last night , very kindly , principally I think to assure me that there could be no doubt .
7 The listeners turned to each other , each anxious to assure himself that his neighbour appreciated the speaker 's remarks and the wisdom of his approach .
8 The result was that after two years out of racing , Niki asked Ron Dennis to give him a private test — mainly to assure himself that he had not lost his skill and that he could face the new world of FI wing cars , quicker and much more road-adhering than the old generation .
9 Haines assured me that everything at his end would remain secret , but a few years later I was both surprised and vexed to find that he had retailed the story in his memoirs without any indication of his pledge of confidentiality .
10 To a young doctor like myself , these were my ‘ valuables ’ — the Zeiss Ikon microscope in the scuffed leather case , its precious lenses protected from dust by silk covers ; the glass-lidded box of stainless-steel instruments — retractors , forceps , hooks , scissors and needles ; my much-thumbed copy of that heavy-going but essential tome , Gray 's Anatomy ; manuals of pharmacology and pharmacy ; Belding 's Textbook of Clinical Parasitology and Strong 's Prevention and Treatment of Tropical Diseases , both of which I 'd bought at the last minute in the hope that the young man in John Bell & Croyden in Wigmore Street was right when he assured me that they provided ‘ the answers to all tropical problems ’ ; and some bound volumes of the British Medical Journal which I had picked up cheap in Charing Cross Road .
11 ‘ You assured me that he had no amorous intentions .
12 Aycliffe himself assured me that he is convinced there was no complicity on your part . ’
13 ‘ Miss Marsden assured me that you would agree . ’
14 I had no experience of teaching art to anyone , but the headmaster assured me that it simply involved giving the boys some paints to play with and then telling them to get on with it .
15 John assured me that it did n't matter in the least , and amused himself by taxying the machine up and down the runways , testing and running-in the VW engine at the same time .
16 Nigel assured me that it would be more efficient than the wheel and produce considerably more electricity , and I had to be content with that .
17 That afternoon he saw the King , who tried to dissuade him , but , as lying George V recorded it : ‘ He assured me that it was absolutely necessary for him to appeal to the Country as he had gone so far that it was not possible for him to change his mind . ’ ’
18 John assured me that it was easy and I watched , amazed , as his hands turned the pieces to assemble it again .
19 I specifically asked if this upgrade would be possible and they assured me that it would .
20 She instantly strode across the shop and took a book from among thousands and assured me that it contained all I would ever need to know about cooking for ever .
21 I now find that this computer is clearly inadequate for my needs and that despite the fact that Dixon 's staff assured me that it would support desktop publishing and graphics , I now discover that it is never going to produce the results I need .
22 I had done very little imaginative work and would not have regarded this as my greatest negotiating success , but it was certainly so regarded by Harold Wilson who assured me that my name would be kept out of the proceedings , since I had then , and retain , a keen dislike for gratuitous publicity .
23 Tony assured me that there was a supermarket in the village , which seemed unlikely in a place that had less than ten houses , but turned out to be almost true — — the garage sold bits and pieces .
24 When I protested , they assured me that there would be no question of hiding me from the crowd .
25 One of these promoters assured me that there were now more than thirty scientific surveys ( carried out by TM ) to ‘ prove ’ , among other things , that accident and crime statistics dropped in areas where one per cent ( or even the square root of one per cent ) of the population were TM followers .
26 Is the Minister aware that last week in Brussels Madame Scrivener , the relevant Commissioner , assured me that there was no question of our being forced by the European Community to extend the coverage of VAT , and that we can not be forced so to do ?
27 As the host of an all-night radio show , Shepard would commune with his insomniac listeners in a way that assured them that they , the ‘ night people ’ , were the ones really in tune with life .
28 We parted at Paddington , and assured them that they would have to change trains at Oxford .
29 A senior detective at Marbella said last night : ‘ This lady told our detectives that she had no idea there was that much concern in London for her daughter and assured them that she would now return home as soon as possible . ’
30 The Warden ( Vice-Chancellor ) Duff assured them that he was now not nearly so odd as he was when he had known him at the choir school of King 's College .
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