Example sentences of "sort [pron] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Had the care manager stuck to the initial referral alone , which was for respite care , she would have sorted them out for that , and that would have been it . ’
2 His visual impressions have been fading without his knowing it , and with their reactivation stale information has suddenly sorted itself out into a new and firm pattern .
3 but erm it had sorted itself out after , well more or less after a week or two a lot of the evacuees of course did n't stay very long , they went back home because erm I know mother had a , a little boy from erm Guildford when we lived at Debenham and er he went back after a while , the mother used to come down and visit him from time to time , they were very , came from very poor circumstances and the
4 And the person who had sorted it together at Birmingham made sure that the next stop it was at , the waggons would be at the back end to leave in that town and this is what my father was doing by er er shunting as it was called , or making a train up to go from Nottingham to London , or some other place in the country , with up to fifty or sixty trucks behind it and they did n't want the trucks next to the engine to be dropped off at the first place and having to shove and push about in their marshalling yard .
5 Because I had n't sorted myself out about the whole thing properly , my feelings while waiting were a complete tangle — although I did n't want to see him , I did desperately want him to want to see me .
6 sorted anything out about the oranges ?
7 We want properly maintained rights of way and better information about the resources needed to sort them out for the benefit of all .
8 That 's what you 're gon na do , you 're gon na be given a pile full of bits of rubble , shells , all sorts , and you 've got to sort them out to different piles .
9 No , he will be able to sort them out into a short-list of three or four for further interview .
10 A find assistant 's job is to sort them out into different types of materials .
11 And this is the first job that we have to do really , is to sort them out into their different categories .
12 ‘ The cards are being sent to the Welsh Office for Mr Redwood 's attention in batches as we are able to sort them out into community areas , ’ said campaign secretary Bryn Williams-Jones .
13 He says sure , he was clean all right , and the screws left him nothing but a shit-soiled bucket and two aspirin to sort himself out with .
14 We will be getting in touch with the previous occupant to sort something out as a matter of urgency . ’
15 The magistrate told me I would have to sort it out with the council , Rotherham M.B.C. , and they finally told me I would have to pay them £45 .
16 Having defined interest groups in this way , it was customary for early students of the interest group world to sort it out into those groups that were promoting a " cause " or an issue , and those groups that were active in trying to advance the immediate material and " sectional " interests of their own members .
17 I have just got to sort it out for myself but I 've got nothing to work on .
18 ‘ He had a terrible problem which he could n't talk about but I want to sort it out for him . ’
19 Glasses behave as they do because , while they are cooling , they are so viscous that the molecules do not have time to sort themselves out into crystals and so cool glass is a solidified liquid , not a crystalline solid .
20 Maybe even two years , to give them time to sort themselves out in advance of the next Olympics .
21 Erm when you 've finished sorting them out into their little piles , if you 'd like to then put each little each pile into a separate bag , so all your bones would go into one pile er one bag , erm all your pottery into another bag , and then this is where the label comes in .
22 By 1305 royal clerks were acting as receivers of petitions and sorting them out among auditors or triers , crown ministers and lawyers , who were usually clerics .
23 ‘ She 'll sort me out like a good Daily Telegraph lady , ’ Arlott had said when she first came to look after them at Alresford .
24 Could you sort them out for me Batty lad , you 're hard .
25 Well we 'll sort them out in a minute .
26 leave them I shall sort them out in a moment
27 Will you come and sort them out before children !
28 I 'll sort them out after
29 ‘ He could n't sort himself out of a paper bag ! ’
30 ( The country was still sorting itself out after the Election . )
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