Example sentences of "previously [been] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The company was founded as a joint venture in 1991 , having previously been wholly owned by BT .
2 However , the Party organization was increasing its effectiveness and recruiting members in areas which had previously been weakly organized .
3 This replaces non-domestic rates ( i.e. property taxes levied on commercial , industrial and other business premises ) , whose levels have previously been locally determined and raised about 17 per cent of local government income in England ( 1984/85 figures , Douglas and Lord , 1986 , p. 15 ) .
4 To test these assertions , we determined Os isotope compositions and Re and Os concentrations for eight of the Karoo picrite basalts whose elemental and isotopic parameters have previously been well characterized .
5 For lack of space these have previously been little shown to the public .
6 French-style café-bars have been a runaway success over here because they address a market which had previously been actively excluded by the ‘ pub tradition ’ — namely women .
7 On the other , by forcing prostitutes and their neighbours publicly to acknowledge what had previously been informally tolerated they introduced a stricter redefinition of acceptable behaviour , thereby facilitating the social isolation of prostitutes .
8 Mark Langley had previously been wrongly identified as the aggressor .
9 A drop of the clear supernatant fluid was placed on an agar plate , which had previously been thickly planted with M. lysodeikticus , and the plate was incubated at 37°C. for 24 hours , when it showed a copious growth of the coccus , except in the region where the nasal mucus had been placed .
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