Example sentences of "lift [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In addition to all this , during the holiday period a newly bought fifteen foot wide Axminster spool gripper loom was lifted in by a seventy ton crane , and now awaits assembly .
2 Then we were lifted down through a trap door and laid on a mattress .
3 Lifted up to a new level and a new nearness to our Lord Jesus Christ .
4 And just as everybody who looked to that serpent on the pole was healed , so I am gon na be lifted up on a cross and everybody who looks in faith to me , and in obedience receives my gift of forgiveness , they will be saved !
5 This example of one case discussion , lifted out of a sequence of weekly meetings , may appear a laborious way of achieving small gains , consuming time which teachers , pressed as they are , can little afford .
6 But then , with Matilda concentrating fiercely , one end of it slowly lifted up about an inch off the table-top .
7 At the same time let your hands lift up in a semi-circular motion and come down to your sides .
8 Lift on to a greased baking sheet , join side down , brush with egg white and sprinkle with sugar .
9 to lift up onto a mares back .
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